Help with DI and reamping


New Metal Member
Nov 28, 2012
Hello everybody! I am new here and hope someone can help me. I am recording DI tracks with the intent to reamp. I'm playing a Jackson with a floyd rose straight into the front of a focusrite saphire pro 40, out through the back, using a line2amp reamp box, into my effects and amp. So, my issue is with palm mutes and pinch harmonics. The palm mutes are coming through very clipped... almost like there's a huge gate on them. If I loosen them up it sounds better, but then it's not as tight as I would like. The biggest problem, though, is my pinch harmonics. They sound great with lots of sustain through the amp, but when DI'd and reamped, they are just a quick squeal that dies immediately. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The bridge pickup, which is the one I'm using, is an SH-13 Dimebucker.
I guess 'clipping' was the wrong word to use. What's happening, is when I play back the DI through the amp, when the track comes to a palm muted part, the signal drops out during the palm mute and pops back after... so it almost sounds like a cd skipping. A similar issue is happening with the pinch harmonics... during playback through the amp, it plays a split second of the pinch harmonic and then totally drops out... like it's been muted. I can post a piece of the DI later tonight, when I'm home.
Bad palm muting can be due to DI clipping because such parts usually suffers more from it.
Can you post fragment of your DI signal?
Sure, I'll have to wait until tonight though to retrieve a clip though. Any ideas about the pinch harmonic issue?
Weak harmonics can be caused by lower level than original guitar signal.
Line output level of Pro 40 is not that much and I don`t know about line2amp gain, i.e. is this reamp box reducing level or amplifying level and amount of reduction/amplification. My own setup has unity gain through entire DI-reamping chain (reamper has almost unity gain also), so output signal equals to input signal (guitar). So check your gain. It seems that maximum instrument input of Pro 40 is almost equals to interface output, so you can make simple loopback-test: plug reamper output into instrument input (minimal gain with Pad engaged), play some Sine signal (or some DI) and check level difference. If reamper has some kind of level pot, adjust to match level. Also you can check the same way if your current settings is appropriate.
The line2amp reamp box is supposed to make the line level signal equal to what the instrument level would be. If the pro40 is sending out an extra low signal, then that could be the culprit. Is there any way to adjust the output level... maybe in the DAW? I use reaper.
Just perform loopback test yourself to check for proper level. Pro 40 output is not that low, but better to know you hardware, so some test can be good to understand situation. You can increase DAW output until digital zero (0 dbFS).
Ok, so I did some poking around in the DAW and found a setting to make the output pre fader/fx. That did the trick. Thanks for suggestions.
If you haven't already done it, in MixControl you need to set the Output that is connected to your Reamp Box to "Gray". Hold "Shift" and click it until it is Gray. This makes that Output Maximum and its level is not affected by the Level Knob below it. If it is Blue, the Level Knob controls its Output. I am using the Saffire Pro 24 (so there are less outputs, but the idea is still the same) and use Line Output 5 for reamping.

Ahhhh! I didn't know that trick. That's a good one to know! I am actually using 5 for reamping, but that's just the output I wound up using... since I have my monitors on 1 & 2 and my mains on 3 & 4. Is there a particular reason you say use 5?