help with pod record method

Sep 15, 2008
i have a serious problem for a long time.
i have a pod x3 and i am making records but...
first, i connect my pod with ubs to my pc like soundcard (pod x3) and i record directly in nuendo.
when i play my guitar sound is near, hard and direct but when i record sound transforms in a bit tightened and compressed.
it can be to record with usb????
I have been long time and i dont get to solve this...i want sound hard and direct that i play in my records.

i meet people that they record with only usb and your guitar sound is hard, near, direct...I´M DESPERATE.

i show my last test:

i like tone guitar but when i record sound compressed.

Have you tried recording through the analog out to see if the problem persists? I have an XT and have never really even considered recording through the USB. Just seems a bit weird to me. Plus I like the preamps on my mixer so I like to run it through that before hitting the soundcard.
I guess that Analog Output is Line-Out L or R on the POD's Rear Panel ;)

there are two inputs, left output and right output. i disconnect pod usb if i want connect with analog output but...
what must use I? (left or right output) and, i connect this output to LINE in my soundcard or microphone??
Usually the left out is considered mono, so use that. And go to the line-in on your soundcard, not the microphone.
Usually the left out is considered mono, so use that. And go to the line-in on your soundcard, not the microphone.

sphykik: thanks
one question: i have listened for a lot people that a lot guys record with pod and final result is mono and not stereo and that is the reason of less powerful sound...i´m very confused for this...could you clarify this subject??

pod with left output to line in soundcard, record and nothing else?
i want to be sure to make stereo good quality records.
i have listened for a lot people that a lot guys record with pod and final result is mono and not stereo and that is the reason of less powerful sound...i´m very confused for this...could you clarify this subject??

What you want to do is to record the same piece of music twice, each time in mono. Then pan one take 100% to the left and 100% to the right.

pod with left output to line in soundcard, record and nothing else?

As far as the guitar "chain" goes, that's all you need for a basic set up. You can use Nuendo to change the EQ settings and any effects you have, but all that is done after you've recorded the two takes.
What you want to do is to record the same piece of music twice, each time in mono. Then pan one take 100% to the left and 100% to the right.

As far as the guitar "chain" goes, that's all you need for a basic set up. You can use Nuendo to change the EQ settings and any effects you have, but all that is done after you've recorded the two takes.

ok, left output pod to my line in soundcard and it´s all. ok.:rock:
i record tracks and then pan like i want.:D
i tried two forms to record:

-> 1. pod to pc (usb) directly -> when i play with pod sound hard and when i record a bit compressed (thread title)
-> 2. pod to pc with jack in LEFT OUPUT -> horrible! preset changes with respect to usb method, break sound...

i´m desperate.:(
Clips are better than words for this sort of thing, a clip for each and it should be easy to diagnose :)
