help with tattoo

yeah, they don't hurt overly much, I've got two; a flying eyeball and a sun with my wife's name in the middle. but I gave it some thought; her name is Erica and I always figured if we split up I can add an "A" and a "M" to the front and say I'm patriotic :lol:

while my tattoo guy was doing my arm he says to me, "yeah, I get alot of strange guy came in and wanted me to tattoo his penis. Now, I'm all for making money, but I said to the customer, dude, I'll be damned if I'm gonna hold your dick for two hours.":) :lol:
Originally posted by neal
hahaha. sounds hardcore dude haha. where you gonnag it done? (on your body)

probably my leg, because im saving my arms and upper back for something else (one biiig tattoo hhehe):

starting in the middle of my left wrist, barbed wire, spiralling up my arm, when t gets to the top, it crosses over my back, and around my neck (just once), and continues across my back, then spirals down my RIGHT arm so til it reaches the same point on my RIGHT wrist as it did on my LEFT
Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6

probably my leg, because im saving my arms and upper back for something else (one biiig tattoo hhehe):

starting in the middle of my left wrist, barbed wire, spiralling up my arm, when t gets to the top, it crosses over my back, and around my neck (just once), and continues across my back, then spirals down my RIGHT arm so til it reaches the same point on my RIGHT wrist as it did on my LEFT

You obviously haven't priced this out yet, have you?
the other week I was talking to a tat guy and he gave me a quote on some text I was thinking of getting, three words about half an inch high would have cost me close to $100. maybe I could have bargained him down a little but what you're considering wouldn't be cheap, and the time it would take...

and the last thing you want to do with something permanent like a tattoo is go with the cheapest bidder.
Well I can say this: I just priced the new tattoo I'm getting, and it's nowhere near as extensive (or large) as the one DeadSkinMask has described. Mine was priced at roughly $1000.

I also agree that a tattoo is a perfect case example of you get what you pay for. Tats are not cheap and the best advice here thus far is to think long and hard about a) spending the cash and b) making sure it's exactly what you want to adorn your body.

Another thing to consider (that hasn't been mentioned) is how long the tattoo will take. For starters, someone without any ink at all simply cannot stay under the needle for more than 2 hours at a time - the burn WILL get to you. A tattoo the size/scope of what you're talking about DSM, will take multiple visits, maybe as many as 5 or 6.

Like I said, mine is nowhere near that size, and it's been guesstimated at about 8-9 hours worth of work, which translates to 4, maybe 5 visits. And I've been inked already. Just some more food for thought.

Last tip: eating jello 1-2 hours before getting the tat will help clog/thicken your blood, making the recovery/scabbing go much, much easier.
Originally posted by markgugs
Last tip: eating jello 1-2 hours before getting the tat will help clog/thicken your blood, making the recovery/scabbing go much, much easier.
good points. did not know about the jello but then, my two are only a few inches wide and not alot of thick lines or large amounts of colored-in areas.
but it was a curious thing, I definitely felt weaker for a few days after the doing, almost as if my body was reacting to the trauma.

plus drinking a few beers beforehand, with the jello, will help with the discomfort. it will still hurt a little, you just won't care as much.:D

Markgugs, what's your existing tattoo?
Originally posted by lizard drinking a few beers beforehand, with the jello, will help with the discomfort. it will still hurt a little, you just won't care as much.:D

Markgugs, what's your existing tattoo?

Actually, drinking any kind of alcohol (even the night before) is about the worst possible thing you can do. It prevents the blood from clotting and can lead to serious repercussions down the road. If you *need* something for the pain, especially after say, 2 hours of being in the chair, I recommend serious painkillers, taken approximately 60-90 minutes before you start.

lizard, my existing tattoo is the NY Yankees logo, written in Japanese, on my right leg.
that's kind of a cool concept...even if it is the yankees:)

I had no repercussions after either tattoo and not alot of discomfort either. but I realize some people have different threshholds of pain.

one last thing: tattoos do fade/blur some over time. you can get them touched up to sharpen the image but its just something to keep in mind.
You can get a tattoo anywhere you want it (I've seen them on the insides of a person's lip, for example). However, where you choose will contribute to how well the tattoo keeps its shape, design, etc.