Nevermore tattoo


Super Zombie
Dec 16, 2001
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Now that I'm in college and I don't have my mom threatening fiscal harm each and every time I mention getting a tattoo, I plan on doing just that.
I'm going to get the Nevermore logo (as seen above) on the inside of my right wrist.
What do you think?
NapalmForLunch said:
I don't understand why people get band tattoos but it sounds cool.
Nevermore has played a centeral part in my artistic maturation. Also, their music has been the foundation for a great deal of literature I've written as well as a corner stone for arguements, analyisies and other various artistic creations.
Art, both because of Nevermore, and thousands of other artists in their respective fields, has become a huge part of my life, and since I never would have realized the depth of my apprication of art, or even been fully cognizant of its existance without Nevermore's help, I think it's only fair to pay respects to that via a permanate marking on my body....
Boy....that sounded a lot less cheesy in my head...Oh well, you get the idea.

edit: by the way I'm not talking about art strictly in it's ascetic form....It's a long story...Suffice it to say that Nevermore has played a huge part in me finding out what's truly important to me....which also sounds cheesy...sorry
I think a wrist is not a good place for such a "geometrical" logo, it will look like something printed, copied from the newspaper. pick a motiv from their album that means the most to you. cheers. however, congrats for planning on putting any Nevermore motiv on your body. :D
dead6skin6mask6 said:
i want one, but my mom says no :(

yeah, that's why I don't have my nose pierced. mamma said 12 yrs ago: if you do it, there is your bag, pick your stuff and move to dadda. :err:
I lost interest later on...
What do you thik they are (the chicks i mean) think your some cool guy and your going to get bloody good fucks...with a wrist tatt...

will so your a mums
Tee said:
yeah, that's why I don't have my nose pierced. mamma said 12 yrs ago: if you do it, there is your bag, pick your stuff and move to dadda. :err:
I lost interest later on...

I might be able to convince my parents to let me get my eyebrow pierced for my 16th bday :cool: i think it would be really cool.
Yeah, just be careful in the pit with that. I lost my eyebrow piercing twice due to random mosh pit accidents. It didn't really hurt that much, but the healing time for the scar and to get it repierced can be a pain.
trapped>>he has one, but not a nevermore one
lillitu>>just what kind of crazy brazzire aparatus is that chick in your avatar wearing anyway?