
Inga Frodsrøm said:
though i couldnt open Enemy242's link and so couldnt compare either:
oh you could, believe me :) not long at this forum, eh?
thx btw :D
FallingDownInRuins said:
cause he suck and so does every one who try to do it

Yea whatever...I KNOW I cant play those motherfuckin sweeps at the end anyway because:

1. My guitar doesn't have 24 frets
2. I aint that skilled (yet?)

Its fuckin hard, and if I know beforehand that I will screw it u, why bother recording and making a fool outta myself like 239842389498234 other n00bs out there?
yeah but i tried playing it on a RR with 24 frets: it sounds like alexi @ seoul: just upstroke