Henrik Main's best of 2005: Free music inside!

Henrik Main

Aug 10, 2002
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01. Blood Red Throne - Altered Genesis - Riffgastic death metal just the way I like it.
Yousendit: Tortured Soul Appearance

02. Ofermod - Mysterion Tes Anomias - Swedish black metal with an old-school feel.
Yousendit: Rape The World

03. Disgorge - Parallels Of Infinite Torture - Over-the-top brutal death metal.
Yousendit: Asphyxiation Of Thee Oppressed

04. 1349 - Hellfire - Hyperspeed black metal with excellent melodies and riffs under the layers of brutality.
Yousendit: Celestial Deconstruction

05. Falkenbach - Heralding The Fireblade - Atmospheric pagan metal with some black metal influences.
Yousendit: Of Forests Unknown

06. Pentacle - Under The Black Cross - Celtic Frost meets Entombed?
Yousendit: The Utmost Desolation

07. Ingurgitating Oblivion - Voyage Towards Abhorrence - Sounds like a Morbid Angel/Immolation hybrid. Extremely good.
Yousendit: Veil Of Perception

08. Disiplin - Anti-Life - Very thrashy, modern black metal(-ish).
Yousendit: Militia

09. Nokturnal Mortum - Weltanschauung - NM take a more folky approach, and I really like the direction they're heading for.
Yousendit: I Feel The Breath Of Ragnarok

10. Exmortem - Nihilistic Contentment - Rock solid DM from Denmark.
Yousendit: Flesh Havoc

11. Odious Mortem - Devouring The Prophecy
12. Prostitute Disfigurement - Left In Grisly Fashion
13. Beheaded - Ominous Bloodline
14. Vile - The New Age Of Chaos
15. Adramelech - Terror Of Thousand Faces
16. Astrofaes - Those Whose Past Is Immortal
17. Lunar Aurora - Mond
18. Origin - Echoes Of Decimation
19. Lord Gore - Resickened
20. Domination Through Impurity - Essence Of Brutality

Honourable mentions:

Averse Sefira - Tetagrammatical Astygmata
Deeds Of Flesh - Crown Of Souls
Moonsorrow - Verisäkeet
Drudkh - The Swan Road
Equilibrium - Turis Fratyr
Immolation - Harnessing Ruin
Hate Forest - Sorrow
Hate Eternal - I, Monarch
Cryptopsy - Once Was Not
Criterion - The Dominant
Gored - Incinerate The Vanquished
Defacing - Spitting Savagery
Defleshed - Reclaim The Beat
Devourment - Butcher The Weak
Bloodchurn - Ravenous Consumption
Gorerotted - A New Dawn For The Dead
Nattefrost - Nekronaut: Part I
Mausoleia - Being
Gehenna - WW
Belphegor - Goatreich: Fleshcult
Horna - Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne


Aborted - The Archaic Abbatoir
Severe Torture - Fall Of The Despised
Nile - Annihilation Of The Wicked
Vesania - God The Lux

Best live album:

Severe Torture - Bloodletting
Ellestin said:
Great job but... I don't see Farin Urlaub?!?

:D I figured it'd be a tad pointless to mention him and the other punk/alternative records I like from 2005. Not that there have been many, though - it's been a disappointing year for punkrock and related genres.

You're right about the Ofermod - but it's so good that I simply had to mention it. Astrofaes is possibly a 2004 release, but I'm not sure.
Though I don't trust your tastes in black metal (though Ofermod is very good), I will check out Pentacle and Ingurgitating Oblivion which sound kind of cool and/or interesting. And I also feel kind of obliged since you put so much work in creating such a list :D
spaffe said:
Though I don't trust your tastes in black metal (though Ofermod is very good), I will check out Pentacle and Ingurgitating Oblivion which sound kind of cool and/or interesting. And I also feel kind of obliged since you put so much work in creating such a list :D

Excellent. I'm trying to push some extreme metal to the RC massive by means of this list and the mp3s, but I forgot that this is in fact Royal Pinkage: Prog, heavy and post-rock forum :loco:

Tell me what you think of the songs when you've checked them out, please.
fuck me ... I can't hear as fast as the guy from 1349 drums ... wtf?
he can't possibly keep that up live.