
New Metal Member
Apr 30, 2007
albany, ny
Posting for the first time and first time viewing this forum. Gotta say I'm a fan of Billy and SOD and MOD and even agree w/ most of the political rants on here. But, come on, can't we get some shows in upstate new york so we know you're still alive !!???!?!?! last time i saw you was about 8 years ago at the chance.

it's good to find this forum and it's good to see people stand up for what they believe even though it isn't popular. i know i try to do it every day.
Shawn = me

gotta admit every now and again i read up on what's new in Milano's world. And, again, always impressed how you speak your mind, no matter what.
Gotta love the savage nation.

have to mention the complete and utter drunkenness that i witnessed MOD play at Modena lake for a frat party when I went to New Paltz in the early '90's. You guys sure knew (know) how to party !!!!