Here's to Marcus (Thanks)

Zack Uidl

Feb 4, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Just got the privilege to meet Marcus (metaltastic) at a clinic I was doing in Vestal, NY. It is always great to finally meet people I have known here or elsewhere finally in person.

First of all, Marcus, thanks for coming out. Totally cool of you to come. You are a very cool dude and it was great to hang for a bit after and talk. Wish you didn't have to leave, I wanted to buy you a beer....

Next time I come around bro, I owe you a beer! :kickass: least there will be some other time.
Haha, hell yeah dude, sounds good to me, and the pleasure was mine - good luck at the rest of your clinics man, not to mention everything else you've got lined up! :headbang: