J.DavisNJ, Metaltastic, Felix Neumann NYC adventure...


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Hey dudes,

Myself, Marcus, Felix Neumann and his lovely girlfriend met up in NYC yesterday. This was Felix's first time in the USA and his first time on a plane! Needless to say I was psyched to meet both him and Marcus.

Definite success. Felix and Marcus are two of the nicest dudes ever. Very down to earth and accommodating people. A great time was had by all. Food, music stores, and beer comprised most of the evening. So did a $13 Jack Daniels and Coke. Midtown Manhattan prices FTL!!

Also, some funny language barrier moments took place which just added to the fun of it all. :)

Oh, and me leaving my $300 Blackberry in a cab. I'm still crying over that one, hahaha. I can only laugh it off right now.

Anyway, we all took some cool pics, including some from a visit to Rudy's Amp Room. Check em out:












these are seriously two of the most beautiful pictures I've seen in my life!

Haha, thanks Lasse! We actually had a discussion regarding the pronunciation of your name as well. I have been corrected and no longer refer to you in the same way as the dog Lassie. Hahaha.

Haha, thanks Lasse! We actually had a discussion regarding the pronunciation of your name as well. I have been corrected and no longer refer to you in the same way as the dog Lassie. Hahaha.


haha, happens all the time ;)
when James called me he got it correct right away...one of the very few americans....then again he used to live in Germany for like 6 years
Hahahahaahahaha, don't worry Jarkko, I don't think anyone can judge in a circumstance like that! :lol:

And great shots Joe! (blurry seems to be the active ingredient, but hey, it emphasizes TEH SHREDZ :headbang: :loco: ) Yeah, we had a grand old time down there, and hopefully we'll repeat it again some time this week! (the night had to be cut short a bit since the jet-lag, city heat/HUMIDITY, and just the overwhelming nature of all the sights and sounds was understandably a bit too much for Felix' lady, Sina) And here are my contributions:

Felix drumming it up (too bad all we could hear was "clackaclackaclacka," since they only had headphones connected :lol: ), first with a decisive crash hit:


then a backhanded ride:


And my personal favorite - in the bigger (and sometimes smaller) NYC subway stations, you'll find all manner of people trying to sell you or convince you of something, and when I spotted a stand for the Sneap forum's favorite demographic, well, I couldn't resist a photo op! :D



Once again, it was a real pleasure dudes; the language barrier wasn't that bad really, as I know the basics of German, so I could usually figure it out (I think the worst moment which was still pretty funny is when we found Felix' exact guitar at Sam Ash, which has now taken over the old Manny's building for their guitar store btw, and he was talking about how he had changed the knobs to "skools" - after much confused pantomiming, gesturing, and him and his girlfriend repeating "totenkopf!" over and over again, she pointed to the skull on the back of her hoodie, and the mystery was solved :lol: ) But yeah, that was one of a handful of times, otherwise it was no problem, your English was great Felix! :headbang:

And Joe, best of luck for getting your phone back dude! After that cab driver made me listen to his whole story on the way to GCT, I was hoping he'd at least be able to help us out a bit :loco:
Yeah, my camera setting was on macro for the shot of the Roadster, so I probably forgot to change it back for the other pics.

Haha, that last pic is great! Damn NYC crazies.

Thanks dude, I hope I get it back as well. It was turned off last night when I tried calling it, so hopefully some kind soul found it, turned it off, and handed it to the driver.

Oh I almost forgot, icing on the cake. When I got to Hoboken, the next (and last) train back home was an hour and forty minute wait! Fuck that noise, I was already in a bad mood. Thank goodness for best friends who don't mind driving out to Hoboken!

Oh I almost forgot, icing on the cake. When I got to Hoboken, the next (and last) train back home was an hour and forty minute wait! Fuck that noise, I was already in a bad mood. Thank goodness for best friends who don't mind driving out to Hoboken!


Jesus christ, I'll say - layovers can suck my fucking nuts :mad:
Jesus christ, I'll say - layovers can suck my fucking nuts :mad:

Yeah, it's my fault for not checking the exact times - I thought they ran more frequently than that, but I probably just missed the previous one. Oh well. It can always be worse. :)

The phone thing isn't a huge deal either. If I don't get it back I'm gonna suck it up and get a cheaper Blackberry. The bold was a bit overkill for me anyway.

Oh man, I wish I had been there to witness Marcus' boner in the middle of all those Mesa's. No, wait, that didn't come out right...


Note how he is turned away trying to hide it behind the guitar and the dry humping the Les Paul explains the blurriness - you know cameras and fast motions :oops:
Haha those pics are like the most UN-UK pics as possible! Id love to see such cool amps/cabs in person! :( Looks like you all had an awesome time! :D