Heritage Audio DMA 73 vs RME Fireface 802 Preamps

Simon Dorn

Jun 24, 2012
Hey Dudes, Dudettes, Dudinskys!

To make a long story short, here's just my conclusion:
1.RME Preamps are excellent.
2.Boutique Preamps are somewhat overrated ;)

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Could it be more that for the tone you're going for isn't something a Neve style pre is going to be conducive to? The tone is relatively dark, thick, and murky, which could be exacerbated by the preamp. What about the RME preamps is it that you prefer?
Actually the pres, respectively the settings of the DMA are changing every few seconds.
There is RME, DMA low gain-high output and DMA higher gain, lower output alternating in the clip.
Nobody would ever be able to tell where the 2K difference in sound is...
I thought it would be great to have an external high end pre in addition to my 802 pres and i tried the Chandler TG2 and the AMS Neve also, but i realized there's just no need for it with the Fireface.
Make sure you test on more soundsources; what a pre does on guitars may be totally different to how it performs on things with sharp, quick transients (drums) or lots of dynamic range (vocals) vs the relatively un-dynamic distorted rhythm gtr.
Thanks for the advice. At the moment, i would mainly use it for guitars (57/421), vocals(SM7B), and bass(D112).
The 802 handles all of it extremely well, punchy, and clear.
The Tg2 had more character, though. But was a bit loose on the low end. Just 70ies transistor like ;) The Neve was more "compact"
If i need more channels sometimes i will probably buy an 8 channel pre from RME.
Yeah, I agree with Jeff.
Distorted guitar has very little dynamic range.
I find a bigger difference with mic pres on drums, vocals and especially acoustic guitar.
For example, yesterday I was tracking vocals and LA610 was too smeary and boomy, API was too hard on consonants but ISA220 was perfect.
Same with drums. If I'm after a fast aggressive sound I will use API, but for a dense roomy sound ISA works better.
Acoustic guitar is the best test for a mic pre. The combination of attack clarity and dynamics makes a good mic pre shine.
I have a couple of neve clones on the way so I will do some tests when I get them and maybe post some examples.
Yeah, I agree with Jeff.
Distorted guitar has very little dynamic range.
I find a bigger difference with mic pres on drums, vocals and especially acoustic guitar.
For example, yesterday I was tracking vocals and LA610 was too smeary and boomy, API was too hard on consonants but ISA220 was perfect.
Same with drums. If I'm after a fast aggressive sound I will use API, but for a dense roomy sound ISA works better.
Acoustic guitar is the best test for a mic pre. The combination of attack clarity and dynamics makes a good mic pre shine.
I have a couple of neve clones on the way so I will do some tests when I get them and maybe post some examples.

I guess i'm just fine with my Interface. I don't play acoustics ;)
Got my 2 channels of Don NV73.
Amazed at how great they sound.
Really fat and not fizzy without getting muddy.
A great contrast to my API.
Here is a re-amp with triple rectifier with the single 57 into NV73.
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