Hero squirrel humiliates stupid dog, saves baby.


Aug 30, 2001
This is awesome.


They have a bit of a reputation for a vicious streak, but this dog certainly got more than it bargained for after pouncing on a baby squirrel it found on the ground.

Moments before the hapless baby would have been torn apart, these images show its mother appearing to leap off a nearby tree and attacking the surprised dog.


Using its sharp teeth and claws, the squirrel tore into its canine opponent and distracted it so the baby could escape to freedom.
It is unclear if the images have been edited, but the startled dog appears in considerable pain as the squirrel bites into its flank.
The surprise assault gives the baby squirrel just enough time to climb back up the nearby tree before its mother is thrown clear and escapes from the dog. The baby squirrel appears to have fallen to the ground as it was being helped up the tree.



Spotting the helpless creature on the ground, the dog pounces and traps it underneath its front paws as it closes for the kill.
But it appears to have underestimated its diminutive opponent, as the brave mother squirrel clearly has no intention of letting her baby become dinner and rushes to its aid by jumping on the dog's head.
After the whirlwind attack the mother squirrel springs free of the dog and rushes her baby back up into the safety of the tree.

The frustrated dog is left sitting forlornly at the base of the tree as its prey escapes into the upper branches.
The images appeared on a website that was set up solely to promote them using Weebly, a website creation programme.

The dog wasn't necessarily going to eat the squirrel, though. Domesticated dogs are usually more curious than aggressive. I remember our dog bumping its nose into our guinea pig and sniffing it all over just out of curiosity.

That's partly true. On the other hand, I remember my dog trying to eat my hamster when it fell from my hand to the floor.
Rusty's pretty good with our cats. He would never try to *eat* them but if left unsupervised he could definitely hurt them while playing. When he's out in his kennel little birds will come and sit inside the fence holes, and come in & eat his dry food. He doesn't bother them at all...but oh crap, if one of the neighbors' chickens gets into the yard, he wants to KILL it. If he finds a small carcass such as a mouse or a lizard, he'll play with it and flip it up into the air. Guh I hate having to get carcasses away from him.
Hehe, I thought he looked like Rusty, too.

Great squirrel. My friends giant pitbull somehow got a hold of one the other day. The squirrel let out two terrifying screams before it died. We didn't know what the hell was going on. :erk:
Look at the face of the baby squirrel in the first picture!

...on another note, Shrike would never hurt a thing. He enjoys the 'catch' since it's in his genes, but once he actually managed to 'grab' a squirrel
with his paws in my back yard, and he immidiately looked at me with a looks of "mommy look!!!! ....now what do I do?"
He let him go and chased him with enjoyment- It was cute! (the squirrel didn't so though... lol)