Hey & a decent haul & tickets....


Hello All,

A brief "hey" from The Swine.

Hope things are well with all of you guys.

Just got back from L.A., it was a blast,

did lots of disc shopping.

I got a chance to listen to the Winter’s Bans disc on the plane.

It’s pretty decent stuff, nothing "classic" but it’s traditional metal.

While in L.A. I picked up the following:

Megadeth-Risk Remaster

Megadeth-Cryptic Writings Remaster

Accept-Metal Heart(I have been looking for this for a while)

Slavemachine-Disfigured Consciousness(used/promo)

Queensryche-Empire DVD Audio(Killer interview with Chris & Pumpkinhead, plus

videos for Jet & Silent, no Empire video?!)

When we landed in Portland, I hit some more stores & picked up:

SRV-Montreux DVD

Dio-Sacred Heart DVD

Scorpions-Unauthorized DVD

Def Leppard-Unauthorized DVD

Killswitch Engage-S/T

Killswith Engage-Alive or Just Breathing

Killswitch Engage-End of Heartache

Lamb of God-Ashes of the Wake(this is better than I expected, a great follow up to the last disc)

*also my Autographed copy of Shadows Fall-The War Within arrived on 9.20.04, what a killer record, I would suggest you pick this up if you’re a fan of modern metal, these guys have something to say.
I also picked up Van Halen & Scorpions Tickets, I’m geeked about those two shows....:p

P.S. if you hop over to www.metalsludge.tv you can find my reviews on the latest Dio, Megadeth & Starwood discs! I have submitted serveral more, we'll see what they use?
Hello Old Schoolers!
Hope all is well with all of you.
I have to tell you how much I’m diggin’ the new Shadows Fall (The War Within)record.
I would have to recommend this to anyone. It clocks in at a mere 40 mins.
It gets the message across loud & clear, in the short period of time.
It’s great to see a few of these bands getting back to the old school format.
10 tracks, 40 min. & not getting bloated. I like it, it’s what I’m used to.
I think records started to get bloated around the time that Dokken’s
Back for the Attack came out. If you were there to buy the record on it’s release date,
You remember one of the biggest selling points was “it’s over 60 minutes of music!”
While that was cool at the time, some bands have gone overboard with trying to squeeze
79 mins. onto each release, frankly 10 tracks are killer & the rest is just filler.
An interesting discovery, over the weekend. I was channel surfing in between NFL games & happened to catch VH-1 Classic. On there they have the Now & Then, program. Something new & something from the past from artists. They were playing Iggy Pop’s Candy, which by the way, I used to love. I had to. My brother was a Pop fanatic. I liked the record that the track was off of. I forget the name? I have to pick it up. It brought back a few memories back… Anyway, then they played the new video, with those little mother cunuckers Blink 141, whatever their name is…
I was floored, by the moronic genius of the song, the catchy hooks & riffs!
I forget the name of the track, but I have to track down that record for that track alone….
The new Fates Warning record FWX gave me a hard off, it’s that bland & whack.
I would write a review, but it was so uninspiring that I can’t even get inspired to write
A entertaining review to pan it….
Now here’s a question.
Ryche will be in town on 10.8.04, they are far from sold out & barely sold 1/3 of the tickets. I haven’t seen them recently, in fact in over a decade. Are they really worth paying $45.00 to see?! Or would you save your loot for something worth while?
Slayer will be here around my B-Day in December…
That’s probably worth while, eh?
That $45.00 would make for swag loot at VH or Scorps….
I don’t know if you guys really liked Megadeth’s Cryptic Writings, back when it came out? I have to tell you, so far, it’s gotta be my fave of the remasters. I have heard stuff on that record that I didn’t in the previous release. The remixes do make a difference,
SFSGSW is a prime example. I really got a kick of Megadave trying to sing in Spanish
& the track Bullprick sounds like something off the MD.45 record.
Later Guys & Gals,


P.S. JD I saw the haul. Sounds tasty bro! Also sounds like you had a blast @ PPV
we where there (with you) in spirit bro!
Take Care- \m/
Had a small haul of my own. Overtime is awesome!

Sword - Sweet Dreams
King Diamond - Deadly Lullabyes Live (WOW this sounds good!!)
Saxon - Lionheart
Sonata Arctica - Winterheart's Guild
Samael - Telepath EP
Rammstein - Amerika single
Rammstein - Reise Reise
+ 4 Butterfly Temple CDs from ebay
The new Shadows Fall is great and will please fans of traditional metal who had doubts about this band like myself.

I got the new King Diamond live and it is amazing. I am actually listening to it right now. I saw King Diamond live on this tour last year so its like reliving the night of November 10, 2003.

Can't wait to get the new Saxon. I also recently picked up the new Metal Church, Rhapsody, and WASP Neon God Part 2 albums.
Ditto the Shadows Fall record will rip your face right off the bone...
I got My KD live disc set Monday Night, I didn't listen to it until last night.
Choice. I also got the Edguy single for Lavatory Love Machine. They are great musicians, they do this acoustice version of that song & it smokes... I also picked up the Audio Slave disc, Audio Slave Dvd & as an impulse buy I aslo picked up the Manson Best of. It's pretty good collection of stuff.
I got that for $9.99. That's worth for it for the tracks Lunchbox, Get Your Gunn, Long Hard Road out of Hell... I must admit that the version of Personal Jesus is fair. I remember my brother playing that track, when he got that DP record. It drove me up the fucking wall...
Now I have some questions from the UMOS members:
I heard a couple of tracks from the new Cradle of Filth record & they sounded rather interesting... I'm far from a fan of theirs, is Nypmhetamine one to buy?
I also got a chance to listen to a couple of tracks from Nightwish's new record.
They have a new one coming out this upcoming Tuesday. Is that one worth buying?
I'm also geeked about the Arch Enemy E.P. out in November...
I have the new CoF and like it a lot. Although I may be considered biased as I have been a fan for quite a few years now, I think it blows away their last few albums. It's easily one of their best.

The Nightwish is good as well. It's along the same lines as Century Child so if you didn't like that one, I wouldn't expect anything different.

I wish Soulseek worked for you, Sixx.

New mini-haul:
Cradle Of Filth - Nymphetamine
Usurper - Twilight Dominion
Usurper - Visions From The Gods
Sonata Arctica - Ecliptica
Thanks for the info, Psycho.
I will look at picking up CoF's new one.
I have a promo copy of their last record.
I will have to look up Nightwish then. Sounds good.
I just picked up the Deep Purple Machinehead Expanded version today.
Killer record made even better.
I also got a package in the mail from a bid, it had the new Danzig record in it!
I haven't heard the thing yet. What's up with the softcore porn within the booklet?!
Oh well...
Psycho, what's the Icon on your signature?!
It looks familiar. It looks like the Icon for that cartoon Invader Zim?
I think that's the correct name?
It's a cartoon my boys watch on Nicktoons...
sixxswine said:
Hello All,

Accept-Metal Heart(I have been looking for this for a while)

P.S. if you hop over to www.metalsludge.tv you can find my reviews on the latest Dio, Megadeth & Starwood discs! I have submitted serveral more, we'll see what they use?

You have to tell me what you think about the "Metal Heart." You know that the title song is about technology (machines) taking over the world although it was released in 84..... kinda freaky.

Bryant said:
You have to tell me what you think about the "Metal Heart." You know that the title song is about technology (machines) taking over the world although it was released in 84..... kinda freaky.

Funny you should reply to this one.
I was just listening to this record all morning.
I must have played it 4 times. I really love it.
It has a little of eveything on there. I love the classical touch they ad to the title track. There's even stuiff on there that has pop type elements to them.
Great Record! Now I have to track me down a copy of Russian Roulette...
I love the solo for the song Metal Heart.

Sixx, you got it. It is from Invader Zim. I actually forgot that was my sig as I run with them turned off. It wasn't really a kids cartoon but Nickelodeon got ahold of it anyway and marketed it wrong which is why it had a short life. I do need a new one, though.
Psychonaut said:
I love the solo for the song Metal Heart.

Sixx, you got it. It is from Invader Zim. I actually forgot that was my sig as I run with them turned off. It wasn't really a kids cartoon but Nickelodeon got ahold of it anyway and marketed it wrong which is why it had a short life. I do need a new one, though.
I agree Metal Heart rules. Well, I was just wondering because it looked familiar.:grin:
Cheers Psycho,