Hey Blackthirteen....I Have A Qeustion


Jan 23, 2005
What was the "personal incident" about???

come on spill the beans!!!!!!!

MP3: OK. One of my friends in Pittsburgh asks me if you're aware of the "Stormtroopers of Death" song that is written about Celtic Frost?
Tom: Yes, I am.
MP3: And what is your opinion on that?
Tom: I loathe it.
MP3: Do you? Is it a sore subject for you?
Tom: Kind of, and it also has a personal reason. We used to be quite close friends way back when, but in the meantime, I have a personal incident with a member of that band, and I prefer not to listen to them any more.
MP3: That's fair.
Tom: It's fine and dandy if they would write whatever songs about us, but maybe they should also write a song about themselves. That's all I can say about that.
MP3: OK.
Tom: I don't mean to offend anybody who likes them. It's my personal opinion
well it says a personal incident happened or something??

I was just wandering what happend...
yeah, the wtf was directed towards the quotes, not you, sorry! I tend to just say things and not be direct about who I am saying them to.
Tom was probably talking about milano. No one likes him.

Comeon Lord, we know you two like to hang together--go bowling, dwarf tossing, talk smack about peoples mothers--the usually Milanoisms