Hey brent you yuppie little bitch


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
You may be able to remove my posts here but not on my board.

Mr. JU fucking over Bush and Rob- CAn't wait to interview them.
I am also going to re post the lilker interview before we haul your
kike ass into court for not paying our publishing and oh yeah,
Fucking me and lilker over....

remove the SOD shirt off the notman on your board and get rid of the new shirt post. Can't wait to see you pussies in Austin
Buzzard said:
You may be able to remove my posts here but not on my board.

Mr. JU fucking over Bush and Rob- CAn't wait to interview them.
I am also going to re post the lilker interview before we haul your
kike ass into court for not paying our publishing and oh yeah,
Fucking me and lilker over....

remove the SOD shirt off the notman on your board and get rid of the new shirt post. Can't wait to see you pussies in Austin

It will be changed before printing..... OK.......
I think it would sound a little better if he started with, "LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, BROTHER!!!!!!" and throw in a few random "BROTHER"s within the post. That would be funny.
Whoa dude, hating on your old bandmates and friends or what have you is one thing, but when you go after the fans for making some fan merch I do believe you officially cross the line into giant dickery.
Brentney Spears said:
Ahhhhhaaa Silly Retardo rides again. Anyone want to take bets on when the next MOD tour falls apart?

I hope to see you at the show. I remember you wear pleated pants right??
hahaha. I'll tell you what, Brent, show up and I'll give you a smack down brutha!! And show some integrity and remove the SOD shirt off the NOT man above. "SOD has nothing to do with ANTHRAX" as quoted by Charlene Bitchante!!
Oh yeah, Fuck you fans and your lame ass fan shirts.. LAME@!
Buzzard, how would you like a nice, hot, high pressure coffee enema, like say around 200 PSI, your an annoying asshole and i doubt most of us care what you have to say or think. tho your posts may be amusing your still a prick.
I know he'll just follow up these posts with more garbage, but what the hell. I figured I might as well throw in my two cents. Billy, no one seems to care for what you have to say. And it's not a matter that we actually process any of it so much as it's just the crap you spew piles up and we have no choice but to start shoveling it back. Sure, it's a free country blah blah blah. But guess what? You've got your own board on this community, so it seems really stupid to come all the way here where no one really likes you and to start pointing fingers and throwing temper tantrums like a prepubescent child. Grow up, man...

How come he isn't banned from this forum?
I wear pleated plaid shorts. Really golf gear head to toe. Can't miss me. And I'm going pee pee in my panties with your beat down threats.

Billy Milano talking about integrity is like a whore talking about abstinence.

I'll take the SOD shit down as soon as you take my graphics off your site.
Brentney Spears said:
I wear pleated plaid shorts. Really golf gear head to toe. Can't miss me. And I'm going pee pee in my panties with your beat down threats.

Billy Milano talking about integrity is like a whore talking about abstinence.

I'll take the SOD shit down as soon as you take my graphics off your site.

Now that is fucking priceless, and the currently playing shit is truly funny.

My review of that pile of crap pissed him off. :tickled: