Scott Ian, MOD, SOD update bullshit.Yatta-YAtta-YAtta

Chili recipe sounds damn good...especially since it is so damn cold out. God I really hate Michigan sometimes. It is going to be 60 degrees today and 50 tomorrow and the day after that is supposed to be 14 degrees with a low of -4. WTF
Yo Ant, In Phi Alpha Nu you talk about P& G's. That's in NEw PAltz right?My sister went to that school. I've been to that place.
bobo'c said:
Yo Ant, In Phi Alpha Nu you talk about P& G's. That's in NEw PAltz right?My sister went to that school. I've been to that place.

Bobo, yeah, thats the place. cool bar. who is your sister? when did she go to new paltz?
Ant she's alot younger.She only graduated a few years ago.I used to just go there to party.Man there are some dirty ass hippies in that town but its cool as shit.There are head shops next to head shops. I had some great times there.
Jack-Jack Jackson said:
Why is the Dark Knight song not on Gross Misconduct? My copy has it.

It is only on certain copy's?????
I have now heard it thanks to SODMOD he is a top dude their aint shit he dont know about M.O.D or S.O.D....
I waited 16 years and i was not felt like xmas

5{\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0Ant she's alot younger.She only graduated a few years ago.I used to just go there to party.Man there are some dirty ass hippies in that town but its cool as shit.There are head shops next to head shops. I had some great times there.[/QUOTE]

thats OK, through the fraternity, and my band, I still know people in New Paltz, and I especially like to make the acquaintance of younger ladies.
so who is your sister?
re the hippies, we used to shoot bottle rockets at this New Paltz hippy hang out called the "Cloud House", what fun!