brent appreciation thread


Hail Satan!
brent doesn't deserve slag. you can tell by looking at the site it's temp. and he is being paid to moderate this board by the bands rules. he's the messanger it's not his fault Bush isn't involved in this reunion. Brent's always been a cool dude and right now he's doing his job. I don't think the new rules are all that harsh. I've said some shit against whats going on and he hasn't even warned me or anyone else. I'm glad he's still on tap and that they didn't hire some fucking web goon to take us out any time we wipe our asses with wadded paper as oposed to folded. Brent won't dissapoint. He's just trying to keep things civil with the influx of people being opposed to each other.
if we didn't have religion to wazge war over we'd wage war over shit like this.
stay cool Brent
Agreed with you... Brent is a nice guy and he do a pretty good job. S'cuse us Brent for being so negative or asshole sometime, but we are upset and affraid about the futur of our favorite band. We hope the best for them, and a lot of us like John and whant im to stay in the band. Nothing againt you. We're shooting the messanger, but it's nothing personnal! You're the best Webmaster of a band webpage. Continue you're good work.
Agreed, I have no prob with Brent or his site for that matter. I was just throwing my useless 2 cents in is all. I wouldn't even know where to begin as far as making a website let alone one worth visiting. I am trying my best at not being a dickhead but take my posts with a grain of salt as I try to always throw a little humor in them.:D Rock on Brent:headbang:
From his previous posts(before the reunion), he seemed like a good guy. However i don't feel the new lame website was worth the month long countdown.
I could go on and on about how much I love Brent. So I will!
The first time I visited, I had a couple worthless questions about the band. AND BRENT FUCKING ANSWERED!!!
How many band's websites could you go to and contact (e-mail), and actually get a reply???
Since then I've become friends with Webmaster B. He is the man. I wouldn't be doing street team shit for Anthrax if Brent's since of humour and kindness didn't keep me visiting daily.
Soooo... for fuck's sake, no more dissing Brent! (not like he cares anyway)

BTW- Brent's also an excellent artist. Keep up the good work, fucker!
Ahh, I remember the first time I pissed Brent off and he made me wear my ass for a hat on the forums. Good times.
Thraxdude is right. The guy goes way beyond what any other webmaster would for the fans. He's one of us who just happened to be lucky enough to get to work with the band.

That's not asskissing (god knows I give a fuck if anyone here likes me) - it's the truth.