Hey Familia!!


Aug 29, 2006
Austin, TX
Hey man. Wanted to say thanks again for the Bad Monkey and Mesa settings. I've been tweeking around on the thing since then and always go back to those settings. They sound great.

I posted recently about how the Presence control seems to work backwords at really low volumes in Modern mode on Ch. 2. Do you find that it works normally when you get the volume cranked up a bit? It seems that way on mine, but it's really hard to tell as the Presence in Modern on Ch. 2 is really subtle compared to the Presence in Modern on Ch. 3.

Also, why do you prefer Ch. 2 to Ch. 3 for Modern mode?
Hey there, its great that the settings i gave you sound as good to you as they do me! What with taste in tone varying so much amongst us all. I must say though, i'm still not entirely happy with my tone, the eq is setup in such a way on the dual rec that its hard to achieve the exact tone i want. But with a 7 band eq pedal , its dead on perfect with the right frequency boosts/cuts. I use the danelectro fish n chips, also a very cheap pedal for what you get, rivals the Boss Eq in tone, but not build quality. But i look after my shit, so thats fine.

Unfortunately, i've never had the chance to crank my dual rectifier as i'm not in a band and also have neighbours all around. :( So its not really possible for me to answer your question on presence.

I see theres been a mix up of what mode i use, i actually use vintage mode on channel two and not modern. Why? i guess its a little less in your face than modern mode and i've always loved that vintage tone with over the top mids, compared to scooped mids that is usually associated with " modern ".

I wouldnt worry about the presence thing, aslong as you're happy with what you hear, thats all that matters, right? I imagine you could really benefit from an eq pedal, you'll have so much more flexibility with that than you will the recto eq and perhaps achieve that opeth tone youve been talking about. Take it easy. :rock:
Whoah! Just switched to Vintage mode on Ch. 2....Even better!!! Much smoother and closer to that tone I'm trying for! You rule, man!

BTW, I really dig your songs on your Myspace page! Gonna add you next time I log onto there.