Hey guys...

Hey man, sorry for such a late response, with everything going on the past day or so it's just been crazy.

It was cool seeing you there, it's too bad we didn't get more chance to talk. We all had a good time hanging with the COF, Arch Enemy and Usurper guys! Thanks for saying hi and all that good shit!
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Hey man, sorry for such a late response, with everything going on the past day or so it's just been crazy.

It was cool seeing you there, it's too bad we didn't get more chance to talk. We all had a good time hanging with the COF, Arch Enemy and Usurper guys! Thanks for saying hi and all that good shit!
Yeah it was really cool, my first time being back there though, so I kind of felt out of place/didn't know what to do/only knew James. I think that is why the guys in AE were making fun of me :D Atleast I think they were, in Swedish.

Were you the one that requested the Ginger Ale? It's a very good choice.
haha, yeah I don't drink or smoke or any of that fun stuff, so its usually a ginger ale or cranberry juice for me......it's alright though, booze at those places are crazy expensive anyhow and my girlfriend spends enough of her money on beers as it is!

Yeah it's always kind of disconcerting when you're backstage with a bunch of swedes LOL They have a tendency to start talking to each other in their native tongue and you can't help but go, "I bet theyre talking about me damn it" haha. I've decided to start learning some basics of other languages, in hopes it'll help a bit if and when we tour overseas. I've already started brushing up on my german again, I think swedish and finnish are next.
What's the word on touring? Any local shows coming up?

If there happens to be one/some whenever and there's an opening slot, my band wouldn't mind filling it.

If you want to check out some of our new material, with our new drummer check out http://www.cladindarkness.com/Foreword_Rehearsal.mp3 It was recorded at our last practice, using a video camera. So, the quality isn't the best, but I guess it works as a rough draft.