Novembers Doom: De Kade 02/07/'08

:lol: Larry a nun...I'm sure he gets that ALL the time...:goggly:

Angeleyes, you rock! Those pics are AWESOME! The guys look like they were having a great time. You guys are very fortunate to have been there. To see Draconian and ND at the same gig must be an epic experience :rock:

I'm curious to hear about the "problems" that occurred...

..I'm quite sure Larry's gonna kill me on Fridays show with Forbidden for putting up this pic. :lol:

Thanks Beast! but as always and I know it starts to sound cliché but my thanks goes out to the guys for putting up with me once again,It was so much fun yesterday,honestly! :)
Also I have to say thanks to the guys and gal of Draconian,t'was really great meeting you! ;) ...although they lured me into to buying their last CD after I just bought "Arcane Rain Fell",but atleast I can brag now about being the only one who has a signed copy of "Turning Season Within" by the members of Draconian and Paul! :D
I also bought the new CD of Thurisaz "Circadian Rhythm also signed by the guys! :rock:
And ofcourse I had the DVD also signed by ND! :) ..also very unique,cause I'm now the only one with Chris lefthanded signature on it,seeing that he's right handed..go figure how that looks! :Smug:
naw, larry's cool! :D

Awesome photo's (the ''backstage'' ones are great) and a really awesome show. I'm so happy I experienced the ''power outage'', because it was funny as hell (''YEAH! WE KILLED IT!'' :p). Could've turned into stand-up comedy from that point, if the show didn't go on haha. Loved how they picked things up from the chorus again - intense! I was pleasantly surprised by Thurisaz as well, which I hadn't heard of before. Dylath Leen wasn't totally my thing, but Draconian was sweet!

I found out about ND not too long ago, but you definitely gained a few more fans, especially after yesterday's show (I took 3 friends with me who didn't know you that well, but they were very impressed and had a great time). I don't know how it feels like to first play for a huge crowd (graspop), and then a few days later you're giving an ''intimate'' (:p) gig to like 30 people... but major respect, you guys gave an excellent performance and I enjoyed every second of the show. You guys are awesome :)

I bought a ND shirt and the dvd, and talked with Larry a bit at the merch. First time I ever talked to a band member haha. Now, to recover my neck!
Hey guys! Well I to tell you that I'm sorry about all the delays! Normally I'm in charge of the metal evenings in Zaandam, but this time it was different, unfortuantly. Cause it's not good if people have to miss the band were they payed for!!

After this I must say I had an joyfull evening. And I saw some great bands! The only band I didn't like was Dylath-Leen. But Thurisaz, Draconian and Novembers Doom impressed me very much!!

Here are some pics, it was a great oppertunity to check out my new camera ;) And yes I don't like taking pics with the flash on. More pics can be found here:




enjoy! :rock:

and see you guys Friday again!!
Paul - Did you cut your hair, or is it tied back in those pics????

Also, Chris looks more and more like Jason Newsted everyday!!
(and no, that is obviously not meant to be a dis! Look at my screen name!) :rock:
He had it all tied back in a huge ponytail. You can see it in some of the on-stage pictures.

I took 3 pictures with my crappy cellphone.

My mate Lars and Larry:

Me and Larry, and Chris in the background at the merchandise, being happy.

Me and Larry take 2, because the previous one seemingly didn't work out (but it kinda did :p). I think I have my eyes closed haha? Man we held the pose for like 5 seconds, funny - damn cellphone cams! Oh, and Vito in the back : )

Oh yeah, thanks for the guitar pick too. Awesome :D
It was extremely regrettable that things caused us to go on so late and that people had to leave. I promise that the next time we return, we will do things differently and make damn sure that we play well before the last trains leave and all that. We'll also make sure that things are set up better and hooked up properly, etc., so that there are no more power shortages onstage during the first song!!