Novembers Doom: De Kade 02/07/'08

Angeleyes Part II

Jul 22, 2005
In a dream
Hey everyone,just a quick note before I take off to dreamland! :)

Gig was really,really special tonight! :p
T'was great to see Thurisaz again they're just getting better and better each time I see these guys play,I love'm! :)

Dyath-leen (sp) I had to miss out on them,cause I had to eat and stuff so maybe Antzor can tell ya some more 'bout them.

Draconian was awesome,first time I've heard this band and I was very,very impressed by their music and performance,also they have a very passionate frontman..I mean he sings with passion I dunno how you say sure was great meeting them! ;)

And then...there was Novembers Doom ofcourse..I'll leave it up to Larry or Paul to tell you guys here what happend,but I just have to say I nearly pee'd my pants laughing,can't help it ok. :lol:
Setlist which I will put up here tomorrow was awesome and they played "Left to Die" for the first time live,really,really great!
Not much of a crowd left when ND got on stage due to circumstanses,but what was left of the people was very cool and enthusiastic (if that's the right word)
I will tell you guys more and as usual I'll put up a bunch of pics tomorrow,that's it for now..Goodnight! :)
you're right, thurisaz have improved a lot. they also had the best sound of the night, imo. very clear, yet bombastic.

then dylath leen. i don't like their style at all. kind of sludgy... went to get a dvd after about 20 minutes. i was with 3 other people though and they are into their music, they loved their set. "to each his own" ;)

draconian... i'm not sure. as they started playing i thought they were too fast to be intense but too slow to be catchy, haha. however as their set progressed i began appreciating them more. i think people underestimate how hard it can be to play slow songs... sometimes it's easier to just keep churning out the 16ths you know ;) conclusion: again not my cup of tea, but a great bunch of musicians. wouldn't mind seeing them again... oh wait, i will see them again, this saturday haha! lucky me :loco:

novembers doom... well apart from some minor detail in the first song ( ;) ) also had great sound. still didn't have that devastating thing to it i remember from the first time i saw them (in helmond 2006) but still great. maybe my memory of that night is just inflated, i dont know, but the wall of sound there was massive :D anyway, here it was great too! they played tight. however because the night was delayed a bit, and i think draconian's set was way too long (did they play as long or longer than ND?) my friends, who came out to see ND, actually had to go before they even played a note :( i enjoyed the set though. maybe there were about 25 or 30 people left. diehards ;)
Goodmorning promised here's the ND setlist of last night,and pics! Hope you guys here enjoy'm again. :)



Drown the Inland Mere

Dark World Burden

The Novella Reservoir

Autumn Reflection

The Voice of Failure

They Were Left to Die

Silent Tomorrow


The Pale Haunt Departure.

Ok,working on the pics right now,be patient.
...My fav Belgium lads! Thurisaz..



Pascal..picking his nose :p


Larry and the Merch.


Hey,look at us...we're cool! ;)


Antzor and a friend,it was great seeing you again,have a blast at Saturdays show Menno! :)

haha i look ridiculous - damnit i should have kept my mouth shut! you took us off guard and i was just telling her to smile for the camera ;)
Paul and Me...looking really grim :p

p1010240xa9.jpg idea what he was doing..something wierd with a guitar,unfortunately the pic isn't showing all of that! :loco:


..Ok,this was taken after the gig..I look absolutely horrifying in this pic,cause I had to laugh so hard..Larry trying to cover up his face with a towel (he was red like a tomato,seeing it was extremly humid and hot yesterday) and Paul telling him he looked like a nun! :lol:

:lol: Larry a nun...I'm sure he gets that ALL the time...:loco:

Angeleyes, you rock! Those pics are AWESOME! The guys look like they were having a great time. You guys are very fortunate to have been there. To see Draconian and ND at the same gig must be an epic experience :headbang:

I'm curious to hear about the "problems" that occurred...
..Aaww,after the gig a friend of my son took this lovely pic of Joe and Me ...we're totally pooped out,and my feets were killing me! :)


Last but not least ..Chris being silly again and Me. :)


Said friend of my son took other pics as well,as soon as I got them I'll put'm up here as well! :)