Hey ixrayu...

No, they wouldn't, and here's why. Every time they play Progpower, they do something very special. Something that they rarely, if ever, do anywhere else. The exception to this, I think, as I wasn't there, would be PPUSA 1 and 2. Probably nothing special here, with the exception of the fact that they were actually playing the US. Enter PPUSA 4, sure, nothing really special here, but they were playing to a much bigger audience now, and this is excusable, as Glenn IS an Evergrey fanboy. Let's consider this their real first PPUSA, as the reputation of the festival had become solidified at this point. PPUSA 7, Evergrey comes with an orchestra and choir. "An Evening with Evergrey". Never done in the states before, and probably will never be done again (on that scale). Don't want to know how much it cost Glenn, and for myself, not even being a big Evergrey fan, this show was magical. Present day, PPUSA 12. They are playing, what is arguably, their fan favorite album (perhaps tied with Recreation Day). To my knowledge, and perhaps a real Evergrey fan can correct me or validate this for me, but they have never done this album in it's entirety before. Granted, they HAVE played PPUSA more times than any other band, but they don't play every year, and in fact, out of the 12 years, this will only be their 5th performance, so I would say playing at roughly 40% of the years is not too bad. Glenn is a fanboy, and they get asses in seats as they are very popular with this crowd. He's just giving the people what they (and he) want.

Adding to that, I think Evergrey has a lot of cross-genre appeal that really brings in a lot of power and prog metal fans each time they play. I'm not really a fan of any pure power metal bands, but I love Evergrey and several of my progsnob friends feel the same way. Evergrey is a pragmatic choice for repeats, and like you said, they do something special each time.
Adding to that, I think Evergrey has a lot of cross-genre appeal that really brings in a lot of power and prog metal fans each time they play. I'm not really a fan of any pure power metal bands, but I love Evergrey and several of my progsnob friends feel the same way. Evergrey is a pragmatic choice for repeats, and like you said, they do something special each time.

yep, EG is pretty much the king of cross-appeal for this festival.

Plus almost every festival has their 'house' band. For Alehorn it's Slough Feg. For MDF it's whatever band Dan Lilker is playing with that particular year. For PP....it's Evergrey. Keeps the regulars regular.
There is a huge difference between your Symphony X's and your Kamelot's and your Sonata Arctica's doing a regular headlining set and Evergrey doing worldwide exclusive sets.

Seriously? They are going to play an album straight through. The acoustic set is more of a treat. The first few Evergrey albums sound so similar that really does it make that much of a difference if it is the second or third album?
Now note I'm not raging on the decision to have Evergrey I was merely trying to understand follower logic. Myself I like Evergrey a lot (I turn to look at the poster on the wall). They were the band who grabbed me at PP II, although Nighingale got me there. Still after a while it just seemed to get old and yes boring. When I first heard that band nothing had grabbed me like that since 'Operation Mindcrime', but Evergrey did not stand up like that, after a while it all started to run together.
Wait why am I talking about Evergrey.
Personally I like to see bands on the fest that I never have seen or can't catch on three different tours playing Raliegh four different times within a couple of months before the fest and a couple afterward. Evergrey playing an album straight through just seems like any other Evergrey show, it might be cool for others and that is fine.
Adding to that, I think Evergrey has a lot of cross-genre appeal that really brings in a lot of power and prog metal fans each time they play. I'm not really a fan of any pure power metal bands, but I love Evergrey and several of my progsnob friends feel the same way. Evergrey is a pragmatic choice for repeats, and like you said, they do something special each time.

I agree, they are a great band.
Seriously? They are going to play an album straight through. The acoustic set is more of a treat. The first few Evergrey albums sound so similar that really does it make that much of a difference if it is the second or third album?
Now note I'm not raging on the decision to have Evergrey I was merely trying to understand follower logic. Myself I like Evergrey a lot (I turn to look at the poster on the wall). They were the band who grabbed me at PP II, although Nighingale got me there. Still after a while it just seemed to get old and yes boring. When I first heard that band nothing had grabbed me like that since 'Operation Mindcrime', but Evergrey did not stand up like that, after a while it all started to run together.
Wait why am I talking about Evergrey.
Personally I like to see bands on the fest that I never have seen or can't catch on three different tours playing Raliegh four different times within a couple of months before the fest and a couple afterward. Evergrey playing an album straight through just seems like any other Evergrey show, it might be cool for others and that is fine.

Dude EG hasn't toured here in like 4 years.
Are you saying that them playing ISoT is NOT world exclusive?
What about the 3 hour orchestra show?
Which of the 'touring' headliners have done similar sets here?
Seriously? They are going to play an album straight through. The acoustic set is more of a treat. The first few Evergrey albums sound so similar that really does it make that much of a difference if it is the second or third album?
Now note I'm not raging on the decision to have Evergrey I was merely trying to understand follower logic. Myself I like Evergrey a lot (I turn to look at the poster on the wall). They were the band who grabbed me at PP II, although Nighingale got me there. Still after a while it just seemed to get old and yes boring. When I first heard that band nothing had grabbed me like that since 'Operation Mindcrime', but Evergrey did not stand up like that, after a while it all started to run together.
Wait why am I talking about Evergrey.
Personally I like to see bands on the fest that I never have seen or can't catch on three different tours playing Raliegh four different times within a couple of months before the fest and a couple afterward. Evergrey playing an album straight through just seems like any other Evergrey show, it might be cool for others and that is fine.

I understand what you are trying to get at, but in reality, it's just not possible. Glenn has said many times that he is running out of headliners that he can get, so he either has to A.) get repeat headliners every 4-5 years, or B.) MAKE a headliner, much like he tried to do with After Forever. If he were to just get bands who have never played here before, he would get the diehards every year, who would come no matter the lineup, but without some repeats, or bands that have already played the US in other capacities, he isn't going to get the majority of people. Evergrey is an example of this. They are an established band who doesn't play the US all that often, but play here enough where they aren't forgotten. They have put on at least one legendary performance at Progpower, not to mention that they really do enjoy the festival and consider Glenn a friend. It's nice to have a relationship like that between Promoter/Band in this business. I don't think they are over-saturated, and if they played every year, people would indeed get tired of them, but you have to remember, they haven't played or attended this festival in 5 years. That's hardly over-saturation. Glenn has a fantastic formula, and that's why this festival is so successful. I honestly don't like the MAJORITY of bands on the fest this year, but the ones I do like have me doing backflips to try and get there. Arcturus, Sanctuary, Therion, and Dream Evil all under the same roof, on the same weekend? Sign me the fuck up.
Was not referring to Evergrey, actually Blackguard is one that comes to mind.

Now you are just backtracking. Blackguard has played the festival ONE time, and they weren't even picked to play the festival originally. They were a fill-in for Turisas who had to cancel. Rather than Glenn scale the lineup back and figure out a way to refund everyone, he added them instead.
I understand what you are trying to get at, but in reality, it's just not possible. Glenn has said many times that he is running out of headliners that he can get, so he either has to A.) get repeat headliners every 4-5 years, or B.) MAKE a headliner, much like he tried to do with After Forever. If he were to just get bands who have never played here before, he would get the diehards every year, who would come no matter the lineup, but without some repeats, or bands that have already played the US in other capacities, he isn't going to get the majority of people. Evergrey is an example of this. They are an established band who doesn't play the US all that often, but play here enough where they aren't forgotten. They have put on at least one legendary performance at Progpower, not to mention that they really do enjoy the festival and consider Glenn a friend. It's nice to have a relationship like that between Promoter/Band in this business. I don't think they are over-saturated, and if they played every year, people would indeed get tired of them, but you have to remember, they haven't played or attended this festival in 5 years. That's hardly over-saturation. Glenn has a fantastic formula, and that's why this festival is so successful. I honestly don't like the MAJORITY of bands on the fest this year, but the ones I do like have me doing backflips to try and get there. Arcturus, Sanctuary, Therion, and Dream Evil all under the same roof, on the same weekend? Sign me the fuck up.

Well I think there are many bands in the world that are just as good as Evergrey But I agree it is good to have that relationship with such a band and I'm not disputing that at all.
As for just the diehards; I have been to all but one festival in Atlanta and the one thing that as always caught my eye is how the audience became less and less diverse every year. hopefully this will change with with more diverse line ups I know that is the point.
Well I think there are many bands in the world that are just as good as Evergrey But I agree it is good to have that relationship with such a band and I'm not disputing that at all.
As for just the diehards; I have been to all but one festival in Atlanta and the one thing that as always caught my eye is how the audience became less and less diverse every year. hopefully this will change with with more diverse line ups I know that is the point.

Fair enough, but you're just stating the obvious now.
Now you are just backtracking. Blackguard has played the festival ONE time, and they weren't even picked to play the festival originally. They were a fill-in for Turisas who had to cancel. Rather than Glenn scale the lineup back and figure out a way to refund everyone, he added them instead.

I'm well aware of them only doing it once and what the reason was. Still would have been nice to see someone that would not be on every damn tour of 2010, and it would have been cool to offer up something that would not have been so easy for everyone to catch at some point. Hell the U.S. is full of really good bands who I would dare say might just do it for free. Not saying they would have done it for nothing but Anacrusis; great band, according to them they have reached out to PP, now there was a quality band, not to far away, and something unique to offer.

I'm not second guessing the lineups or questioning them as much as simply saying I hope to see something more in the future. I know it is the best thing going and that's cool. I think last year the only thing I looked forward to was hearing the 2011 announcement, and well Sanctuary made up for a lot of in my opinion duds (for me).
Seriously? They are going to play an album straight through. The acoustic set is more of a treat. The first few Evergrey albums sound so similar that really does it make that much of a difference if it is the second or third album?
Now note I'm not raging on the decision to have Evergrey I was merely trying to understand follower logic. Myself I like Evergrey a lot (I turn to look at the poster on the wall). They were the band who grabbed me at PP II, although Nighingale got me there. Still after a while it just seemed to get old and yes boring. When I first heard that band nothing had grabbed me like that since 'Operation Mindcrime', but Evergrey did not stand up like that, after a while it all started to run together.
Wait why am I talking about Evergrey.
Personally I like to see bands on the fest that I never have seen or can't catch on three different tours playing Raliegh four different times within a couple of months before the fest and a couple afterward. Evergrey playing an album straight through just seems like any other Evergrey show, it might be cool for others and that is fine.

They play acoustic sets all the time. How is it more of a treat than them doing something they've never done in the history of their career as a band? I'm confused.
I'm well aware of them only doing it once and what the reason was. Still would have been nice to see someone that would not be on every damn tour of 2010, and it would have been cool to offer up something that would not have been so easy for everyone to catch at some point. Hell the U.S. is full of really good bands who I would dare say might just do it for free. Not saying they would have done it for nothing but Anacrusis; great band, according to them they have reached out to PP, now there was a quality band, not to far away, and something unique to offer.

I'm not second guessing the lineups or questioning them as much as simply saying I hope to see something more in the future. I know it is the best thing going and that's cool. I think last year the only thing I looked forward to was hearing the 2011 announcement, and well Sanctuary made up for a lot of in my opinion duds (for me).

They play acoustic sets all the time. How is it more of a treat than them doing something they've never done in the history of their career as a band? I'm confused.

I have not seen them do an acoustic set at the festival. To play an entire album is pretty much just another live Evergrey set.
When I first read about this before I got through the whole statement of what they were doing the Dream Theater idea of cover a full album popped into mind.
I really thought PP 1.0 was going to be a one and done thing. I was looking forward to Evergrey & Nevermore. Nevermore cancelled, and Glenn got Symphony X. Worth taking the trip, just to see this unique show. About the only involvement I had in the "scene" (for lack of a better word) was the SY-X mailing list. Low & behold, a gaggle of us all met up at PP 1.0, and it was the first time I met a lot of those folks in person. Next thing I know, the second one is in Atlanta. Weird vibe with the air travel, and the security, but stronger friendships were formed, and hell, Earthliknk Live was an awesome place to see a show. It was easy to get to, you didn't need a car, and the growing crowd was just so damn cool to spend a long weekend with.

Never once did I bitch about the lineup, that I can remember (PoS sniping doesn't count! :heh:). I think the only foot in mouth moment was when I questioned Amorphis' ability to be a headliner. But I wasn't bitching. There is ALWAYS somthing to make the trip worth it, seeing my firends from all over the planet, meeting new ones, and the bands I was, or wasn't familiar with kicking my ass up & down when seeing them perform live.

As part of Glenn's crew, you bet I wave the PPUSA flag high, but it's not just because I'm an employee, it's because I TRULY love this festival, and the people who attend it. It's never a chore, it's still my main "vacation" every year, and I wouldn't change any of that for the world...I'll go to my grave with a brain full of great memories, courtesy of this festival.
Wow! You described my sentiments exactly! Probably because we were both in Chicago (as part of that SyX mailing list too) and been PP buds ever since - even started on the crew the same year! It is because of PP1 that even started to like PoS - just getting into them a few weeks before that show. I had never heard of Evergrey and now they are one of my favorites. I hated Freak Kitchen and thought they were stupid, but you had lobbied for so long and were so excited to see them, I could not consider myself a friend and miss you seeing a dream coming true. And DAMN, I am so glad I did!! I left their set and immediately went to Ken's table and purchased 6 FK CDs!!! Now I am a huge fan!!

I was also unfamiliar with a large number of groups for this year, but I have checked them out instead of bitching and think it is a VERY STRONG lineup. So much talent that is fresh and hungry! And there even a few bands that I don't know that I will ever be a fan of, but I think their set will CRUSH!! For instance, I have tried and tried but simply can not get into their studio work. However, I think they will put on one of the most interesting sets and I wouldn't miss it!

I, unfortunately miss PP2 for personal reasons, but it was unavoidable at the time, but I still paid for my Gold Badge that year. I also missed PP6 due to my father's passing less than 36 hours before I was to board the plane. :-( That year I lost two GB's and two plane tickets besides my father. However I have made every other year and have been a proud part of it for the past 3 and can't even imagine not being there or a part of it. The family aspect of it should never be overlooked, but I am also a live music junky and know and trust that Glenn will always bring bands that I already like or will probably like after I give them a chance. So yes, it is about the bands too. I just know that I will be very happy with the lineup without even knowing the bands beforehand.

And like you JayDub, it is also my top vacation of the year! Even with working it and putting in 18 hour days. It is a HUGE departure from my corporate life and I LOVE it. I am so thankful that Glenn has been crazy enough to keep this thing going and Jen has been such a huge supporter and a VERY welcome addition to the PP family. I thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for taking the risk, working so hard, and making it happen year after year and allowing me to be a part of it! :kickass: :headbang: :worship:

It's simple. You like the roster (I appreciate that), but you don't think the Evergrey set is that special. I do not comprehend that logic in the slightest (absolutely no point in discussing that further), but that's ok as well.

What I gather is that if you had your way, every band would be new every year and the boundaries would continue to be pushed. You are entitled to your opinion. It's also easy to think the strategy you would personally book would work when you don't have to put your money on the line every year. Hell, if I had an open checkbook, I would do exactly that.

I don't.

It's always going to be about pushing/pulling and balance between new blood and the reliable veteran fans.
I am so thankful that Glenn has been crazy enough to keep this thing going and Jen has been such a huge supporter and a VERY welcome addition to the PP family. I thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for taking the risk, working so hard, and making it happen year after year and allowing me to be a part of it! :kickass: :headbang: :worship:

Glenn and I couldn't do it without *you* and the rest of our ProgPower crew family. Y'all work asses off, too! Thanks, brother. :)
