hey Karen

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
I've informed Cara of a show my band is having on Thusday August 12 in Philadelphia (yep, its actually IN Philly this time haha). She said that she was interested in going, depending on whether or not she's in Texas by then. Also depending on Derick's work schedule... We play for 45 minutes. Show starts at 7, and is $8 at the door. Would you be up to going if those 2 go? Maybe you guys can kidnap Steve, too :tickled:
Max, I would let you stay at my house for the night... but... I have an open house at Drexel the next morning. That week is fucking hell for me haha.
Who's this steve karen's gonna be kidnapping?

I feel left out of the loop. :yell: :p
y0 Willster!

Thanks for the invite,
If Derick and Cara can make it, then I might be up for it!
too early to say though.... its in 2 weeks and I have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow... ( o_O ) but so far- sounds cool!
(any beers this time? haha)
I just moved back to Houston, from Wilmington, DE, like 20 mins from Philly. If I were still up there, Id invite... MYSELF! HA!