Hey ledmag! Thought I'd start a new one, the other one was getting long......

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
Hey! I survived yet another crossing of the highway!he he. Hey, I forgot to tell you yesterday but I sent off for "Wolves Amongst The Sheep."
Ahh good, yes it is.

I am sure yu will like it.

Let me know when you get it......it is a great cover isnt it. That wolf showing his teeth..man, that guy could tear a man to bits.
:mad: Yes, very scary. It reminds me of when my rat terrier Bruce tries to smile! he he. I'll letcha know when I get it, but with the mail system as screwed as it is, I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't get it!
Well, I've only heard one of their songs. I don't even know what it's called. It's on Relapse's "Contaminated 4.0" comp CD. It's an alright song, I guess. To me some of it sounds like an 80's pop song!
They are very progressive.
They started out as detha metal...then went to a mix, now they are pretty much clean style vox..I like prog
I have all of AMORPHIS cd's

BTW.one song in no way describes this band.
You might like Christopher, or at least a couple of his songs. www.comecloser.com:cool: He has one really long song that starts off with just eery noises, then acoustic guitar, tribal drums, a metal groove, wierd shit, rave, it's just all mixed up together but it sounds really cool! It's called "Nokturne"
In my area it was just very FAST winds..trees and stuff, and small things that were not tied down...SOme ppl lost some TIN from their roofs. The roads are a mess.

It was cold as fuck all day, now its getting warm and its 403PM

It will be cold tonight......

thanks for asking
You didn't get to see any good tornadoes, oh well. I'm glad to know everything's relatively OK. Man, it's getting so hot here! Today it's like 90 degrees, maybe even 92. I have a feeling this summer is going to be a killer.
I think this summer is going to be bad.....some days of winter was hotter than hell her ein KY.

The place is going to keep hotter every year IMO.its like a TREND (similar to what JON S rants about hahahah)
man, the weather here is always one extreme or the other. The winters aren't as cold as say minnesota, but the humidity just makes the cold go right thru you're bones. then the summers, ohhh.......we might have a couple weeks of nice spring weather but that's it. the weather here sucks. except for cool naders, of course!
Well, i orefer summer to winter any day.....

BUt yeah man, it gets hotter than hell here in dead of summer.

SOmetimes we haev severe cold too....below ZERO at times...water pipes and shit get fucked every 3 to 4 yrs haha.....

Then, in winter, FIREWOOD.....i sell it, and burn it...its a bitch.....carry it in...sweep the floor, carry it in again, then sweep the floor again........Then i have to paint my house every soring, only to smoke it up again next winter........oh well, thats what i get for living in the mountains.....but i fucking love it anyway.
yeah, I bet it's cool living in the mountains. We used to have 4 acres of land and 2 ponds behind our house but some sorry shit happened and that ended up being sold for development. It sucks to see concrete back there now.
Man, I live right next to a national forest..tha meaNs im protected......

We have MANY ponds(cattle horses)..and around 400 of those acres...a very big PAYMENT....around $1500 a month

I lov ethe country.....LOVE IT........

Hey, I was conceaved(spell) in texas.....my father was stationed there in the army, just after he was sent home from NAM on medical reasons.........Then i was born in KY