Hey ledmag! Thought I'd start a new one, the other one was getting long......

hey mane! yur a heek too! heh heh. So we got BlackWinterDay, antifayth, you, and me! ha ha! I gots to go now, mane, so ull hopefullee towlk to ya tamorroh.:grin:
Well, i get called hick everytime i go to OHIO..I hate that state.....i have family who live there.

My father has been to texas a lot.

Hav e agood one man..take care, and wtch out for ANTI FAITH...he will turn on you someday..mark that down and remember it ............hahahahahahahahahahaha

BTW..My mothers mother(my grand you know) when she says LEG..it comes out LAG hahahahahaha