Hey Lee!

As far as I know we won't be doing anything about this, but I'll mention it to Digby of Earache next time we talk.

Actually I bought a VNV Nation CD recently that wouldn't play on either my DVD player or my PC.

I think it's totally inconvenient to do that sort of thing. I like to rip albums I own so I can put 10 records on a CD and play 'em on the MP3 player in my car. It saves having to change a CD on a long journey. It's no different to taping CDs for your car.

I think something has to be done about sites like Audiogalaxy and Kaaza, where you can literally download entire albums in minutes if you have a decent connection. Like it or not, these places are having a serious impact on the music industry, especially small labels like mine where even selling 5000 copies is a big deal.

I'd personally like to see a dedicated site (or sites) where you can go where they have one or two MP3s from literally every band out there. If you're curious to hear the band then you can get a sample. No advertising bullshit, no prompts, just a search engine. That way you can get your information from your usual sources, see if you like the band and if so, buy the CD.

Originally posted by Lee_B
Actually I bought a VNV Nation CD recently that wouldn't play on either my DVD player or my PC

Which one?? :err: All mine play fine! :p

I think the idea may have advantages, but lets face it, how long will it take for some-one to develop a crack or special ripper so it doesn't work any more?? :rolleyes: I think there are far more effective solutions... not sure what yet, but I'm sure there are ;)

Anyway, I think the metal market for the most part is more loyal, most people I speak to know how few sales a lot of these bands have, so if they like the MP3's buy the album. Obviously a minority don't, but I don't think its as bad for metal as it is for more mainstream media :) Feel free to argue on that one ;)
The people who buy cds buy cds regardless of whether they have the mp3s or not. The people who don't buy cds don't buy cds regardless of whether they have the mp3s or not. Some people might listen to more music than they might have if there was no mp3, but I don't believe they'll buy any more cds if you remove mp3s now - they'll just go back to not listening to as much stuff.

On the whole, I don't believe in the myth about mp3s impacting sales in a negative way. It's more likely to boost sales.
Originally posted by Protocol
The people who buy cds buy cds regardless of whether they have the mp3s or not. The people who don't buy cds don't buy cds regardless of whether they have the mp3s or not

I disagree, I don't think its that black and white... I know many people who will if at all possible download an entire album and burn it (cheap gits ;) ) but if they can't often they actually buy the album.... and even if it was that simple, surely the people who don't buy any music anyway shouldn't have any music they're supposed to pay for (i.e. not from MP3.com etc.)

And Arcturus' La Masquerade Infernale makes my computer crash every time I put it in, coulod that be copyright protection? Or just my computer ;)
Originally posted by Lee_B
I'd personally like to see a dedicated site (or sites) where you can go where they have one or two MP3s from literally every band out there. If you're curious to hear the band then you can get a sample. No advertising bullshit, no prompts, just a search engine. That way you can get your information from your usual sources, see if you like the band and if so, buy the CD.

http://www.emusic.com has started that idea.
You get to hear free sampled from a lot of bands,
and sometimes you get a free song.

I have discovered loads of bands on that site...
You just sit and click on bands, and soon discover
what you like :o)

for lots on metal.

It's probably not the best site for this, but it is a
start :o)
The lyrics are words from revelations 14 from the new intertational bible, which places it rather far down on the coolness scale. Plus it's rather simplistic.

Notice how it says on the inside of the back cover that "hidden audio can be found if sought".