Hey Marine where are ya?!

Thanks for wondering where I've been everyone...just been REALLY FUCKING BUSY lately.

Work is taking up a lot of time, even on the weekends, working on the house when I can, getting things ready for the baby (It's a girl, and she's due on September 15th...so we have a little bit of time left).

Here's how HARD-CORE METAL my wife is - she went and got us SEAT TICKETS to OZZFEST in July - she's gonna be close to popping, but she says she's not missing all those awesome bands...

Yes - I think my daughter may be born with tattoos...that would kick ass...

We already have her listening to classical music (headphones on the belly), and I have made some CD mixes that will gradually indoctrinate her into the ways of classic and thrash metal...

Other than that - it's STRIPED BASS SEASON on the HUDSON RIVER and we've gotten a 5, 12, 15 and 32 pounder in the boat. Hopefully I'll get out a few more times before the run ends...

Thanks again for asking about me Sixx...I'm still here, and you all couldn't get rid of me that easily...

Take care, and keep it Metal...

JB :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Thanks for the update USMC. I hope continued health to your wife & child, and of course you. So you can raise your little one with a passion for the heavy stuff!
Your wife is hardcore! It's great to hear that she isn't allowing the pregnancy to prevent her from doing things that she loves & enjoys...
Take Care & Come back soon,
6 \m/
USMC0341 said:
Work is taking up a lot of time, even on the weekends, working on the house when I can, getting things ready for the baby (It's a girl, and she's due on September 15th...so we have a little bit of time left).

That's a good date here's Independence Day :headbang:

Cool you and family are alright, don't overeat bass and take care.
I appreciate all the well-wishes everyone.

Wyvern - I never overeat the fish I catch, because I throw them all back. I just like catching them...I figure - let them go back and make more for me to catch next year and the year after.

Kittybeast - OOOH-RAH!!!!! ;)

I'll be around everyone...drop me a line anytime.