Hey NAD, look...

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
...at what I just came across while cataloguing my music collection to Discogs:



Dude this is the second Shootka sighting this weekend. JayK sent me a photo of his copy yesterday, he found it by an old Carcass CD.

Also I <3 seeing your giant shelf o' CDs. Physical Media Über Alles.
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I don't think any album I've ever done is on Discogs, haha. I've only ever done demos and independent releases, never been on a label.

I finally made it onto Metal Archives about 5 years ago and I said "my work is done now" because I have pretty low standards for success.
I'll send you some! I even found some Farewell, Shootka! demos last week, have about 3 left. That one sucks, I don't recommend it.

I never passed out any of my later albums that were actually decent, ha. Stupid.
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I promise that I will never toss it in the trash, NADrian. Not all shelf-turds are created equal. Thanks for unloading your shit on us. :tickled: Now 'sup with the actual good shit?!

edit: IF I ever do toss it though, I'll be sure to yell FAREWELL, SHOOTKA! as I Gronk-spike it into the shitcan.
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I have a small pile of Slanderus albums, and if I can find more Avolition demos I'll send those as well. I was always happy with how those turned out (except the one Avo demo with AJFA bass... fucker!), even still listen to a few songs a few times every few years!

My stupid noise project had one good demo but I think those are gone, can't find any. I had them on my website but that has been gone for years, and I no longer have a functional CD burner. Ohhhhhh well!

PM me shipping addresses and I'll gladly plague y'all with CDs. And probably stickers. Bottle caps. Etc.
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