hey old school headbanger


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
...where the fuck did you get that "Billy Milano" signature thing? I was like :yow: :yow: :yow: and was most likely to throw up my breakfast when I saw the pic, this must be a fucking fake...:OMG:
It must be a fake. But hella funny, though. :lol:
old school headbanger said:
Muffy had it. You know that fat fucking cunt hopes my mother dies of cancer.

If I didn't know Deron for the cool mod that he is...
(He's helped me out on more than one occassion)
I'd swear Billy's took up a 2nd day of locking threads and deleting posts.
It's almost like you're protecting him or something....I know what that's like I backed him up at just about every turn, but he brought this situtation on himself.

Deron, it just happened yesterday...People want to discuss it
I haven't threatened or insulted him in any post so far.
I think the others read it but I will PM you with my explanation. For the record I didn't delete them all here but the mods did. I am assuming that the band/mods (and really me) just don't want it to linger on and on and its over. I understand wanting to talk about it but really, when you think about it, what's the point? Look for my PM.