Hey so ummm it is rummored that Dimmu is touring with Behemoth in the States...

hellhammer is disabled, they have a replacement for now.

but ya if dimmu tours with behemoth thatd be pretty fucking awesome.
from what ive heard hellhammer is back on the road, but he isnt playing with dimmu atm. hes been with mayhem which i can understand become mayhem is his number 1 priority

Hellhammer killed last time when I saw Dimmu, it was amazing hopefully he is still in Dimmu if not then mayhem would be awesome to get big again, the new mayhem is amazing.

Another amazing album is Dark Funeral Secrets of the Black Arts, Shadows Over Transylvania is amazing
well the rumors are confirmed to be true!!!!!! I just got home from a kings game (hockey) and this dude sitting next to me was wearing a behemoth sweater we were talking and it turns out he us the publicitor for many metal bands including behemoth. He said they're coming in march...I CANT FUCKING WAIT
How the hell is that my fault Ryan?
More like they are scared to come back the U.S cuz they don't want to see your pubic beard!