Hey you , Americans...

I'm from the south too...Louisiana. I remember the heaviest band I've seen in Louisiana was Tool in New Orleans...I traveled 7 hours to see them, just to get away from the nu metal shit.
Wow Evan and icedsymphony, you're really proving you're a notch above the thread starter's level with those replies. gw :lol:. You fucking idiots, might actually stop and think that Opeth are from those 'eurotrash' countries.

Also maniac. STFU. It's alright to tell people on here to stop whining, but when applying that to all Americans, assuming ALL OF THEM have the opportunity to see Opeth, well that's just ignorance. And what's this Bush-effect bullshit? It's ok, I understand, they're under dictatorship right now, and their foreign policies really eat the nuts, but how the fuck does that affect Opeth's tour schedule?
icedsymphony said:
Hey maniac, ever really wonder why Opeth tour the states so much? Maybe it's because we actually support them, buy their merch. and take them seriously. Opeth have a potential goldmine here in the U.S. They are too good to waste their time on you pissant third world europeans. Now go back to wacken it off to your friendly neighboorhood power metal band.
My aren't we naive. :rolleyes:
opethmaniac said:
Have you got all a problem? Why don't you stop complaning ??
I mean, you're gonna see Opeth live AGAIN (for the fourth time of the year !!),you have been the only ones to be able to see them touring with Porcupine Tree etc etc...

First off, when they came through the United States the first time they didn't even play in Minnesota. And second, Porcupine Tree suck the big one.
Ok,i agree ,maybe it was too harsh,too much about the Bush effect...but when i read bullshits like "WHY DON'T YOU GROW UP IN A COUNTRY WHERE MAINSTREAM ARTISTS ARE ALL POP AND RAP" by trashmetal78 ,"Stupid eurotrash" by evan84 or "They are too good to waste their time on you pissant third world europeans. Now go back to wacken it off to your friendly neighboorhood power metal band." by icedsymphony,i really don't understand...why are those guys so agressive? it's incredible !! and they never stop saying things without link with the mean subject !! i totally don't care if they are tha pop/rap country : what's the link/rapport ?? i really don't see...moreover,it seems that a lot of american understand me ...so,i'm not completly wrong !!
The subject was (and still is) "stop complaining and enjoy opeth touring with or without a opening band you like"...that's all !! there's really nothing else to add !!
And believe me,you,all around the world...we support Opeth as never..it's completly unfair to say the contrary...coz i don't know a lot of bands which would be able to fill a Paris place without promo at all 2 weeks before the gig...Opeth has our support coz we love them...and they deserve to be loved just for the music they create...and that we feel...
opethmaniac said:
Have you got all a problem? Why don't you stop complaning ??
I mean, you're gonna see Opeth live AGAIN (for the fourth time of the year !!),they're gonna play some tracks for you they've never played live before ,you have been the only ones to be able to see them touring with Porcupine Tree etc etc...and you're complaining right now coz maybe you're gonna see Devildrider (or whatever,i don't care)as a opening band of the next tour?? Are you serious?? Are you joking?? Is this the second BUSH side effect you begin to feel or what??
They have only toured for 2 weeks for Damnation this summer and without porcupine tree,they haven't really played new tracks for us and they ALWAYS tour/play first in the USA now...
And please,don't tell me that Europeans have the DVD...believe me,it's really easier to get the DVD in import than to move to the USA just for a gig...
So,really,really please,stop complaining,just enjoy and realize how lucky you are to see them again,in good conditions ,with new tracks...
Why don't you set an example and stop complaining yourself?
icedsymphony said:
Hey maniac, ever really wonder why Opeth tour the states so much? Maybe it's because we actually support them, buy their merch. and take them seriously. Opeth have a potential goldmine here in the U.S. They are too good to waste their time on you pissant third world europeans. Now go back to wacken it off to your friendly neighboorhood power metal band.
Any other Americans besides me find themselves embarassed time and again by people like this?
I love when everybody cries like little bitches. At first I thought it was mostly Americans (I live in Ohio) that cry that much, but now I see that everyone whines little a bunch of cunts. You all need to get a hobby or something.
What are you so embarrassed about. I gave him what he gave us. At least my post has some truth to it. Why do Opeth tour the U.S. so much? Do you think it's because they like to. Do you know how many potential customers they have here. They play here because there is a demand for it. You don't like the Euro remarks, to fuckin bad. Every fuckin band board I go to has these fuckin retarded dicks making idiotic anti american remarks. It's the In thing now. I started to respond, then I ignored it for a while. Now you can all go fuck off, Ill say what the fuck I want if these Eurodicks can make their fucktard statements, Ill give right back without fear or consequence. Actually most of the retarded shit I here comes from most of you fudgepacking Americans like Brian who don't have the intelligence or balls to know simple truths like the potential market the U.S. holds for aband like Opeth. Does that mean they will sell a million Cd's when their next record comes out,probably not, but they could someday. So stop your bitching cause Opeth don't tour your country enough, they go where the $ is. Now Brian go back and read my post ther's a little riddle for your peanut brain to decipher. DICK
I totally agree with dreamningofUr...have you a personal problem icedsymphony? why are you so agressive?god ,you're so full of hate !!incredible!!

and i don't think that opeth is only interested by cash,you know...if they would,they would just play mainstream music of your so loving country !!
nothing else to add !!
icedsymphony seems like a complete dickhead to me.

i have anti-american views as well, but only against the standard fat tv-watching pop/rap-fan american. the metalheads are all cool :D

and dont talk to me about 'growing up in a country that likes rap / pop' - have you ever tried visiting england? nothing like the rest of europe at all in terms of liking metal.
thrashmetal78 said:
You wanna know the truth? EVERYONE SHOULD STOP BITCHING! Kinda ironic, since I'm kinda bitching now...but anyway...

The truth is, WHY DON'T YOU GROW UP IN A COUNTRY WHERE MAINSTREAM ARTISTS ARE ALL POP AND RAP? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW EXCITED WE ARE ABOUT SEEING THESE EUROPEAN BANDS? DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG WE'VE WAITED? YEARS, LITERALLY, YEARS!!! And since the U.S. is so big, you do realize that a lot of people have to travel 12 hours sometimes JUST TO SEE A SHOW...and then drive home the same night. I've been to a shitload of concerts here in Italy, and they come to Milano all the time, every week. It's no big deal to the Italians...it's just another band. WE NEVER GOT THAT CHANCE...WE HAD TO LISTEN TO CRAP AND SOMETIMES TRAVEL ALL THE WAY AROUND THE WORLD TO PLACES LIKE WACKEN, JUST TO SEE THE BANDS WE WANT.

icedsymphony said:
What are you so embarrassed about. I gave him what he gave us. At least my post has some truth to it. Why do Opeth tour the U.S. so much? Do you think it's because they like to. Do you know how many potential customers they have here. They play here because there is a demand for it. You don't like the Euro remarks, to fuckin bad. Every fuckin band board I go to has these fuckin retarded dicks making idiotic anti american remarks. It's the In thing now. I started to respond, then I ignored it for a while. Now you can all go fuck off, Ill say what the fuck I want if these Eurodicks can make their fucktard statements, Ill give right back without fear or consequence. Actually most of the retarded shit I here comes from most of you fudgepacking Americans like Brian who don't have the intelligence or balls to know simple truths like the potential market the U.S. holds for aband like Opeth. Does that mean they will sell a million Cd's when their next record comes out,probably not, but they could someday. So stop your bitching cause Opeth don't tour your country enough, they go where the $ is. Now Brian go back and read my post ther's a little riddle for your peanut brain to decipher. DICK
Man, you need to smoke a bowl and chill :Smokin: