Hey you , Americans...

...through alot of the american posts here we now know why europeans think bad of our country, its stupid posts by other people that make us look bad
My brother flew to Chicago last January to see the first Opeth tour. There was the drive from school 2 hours to the airport, then the flight another two hours. Then, the Second tour, I joined him and we drove to Atlanta from Charlotte - 4 hours, and back another 4 hours. Two days later, We only had to drive 2.5 hours and back to the Winston-Salem show. Then my brother rode the bus some ungodly amount of time like 24 hours to New York City to see them with Porcupine Tree for the third tour thru America.

I am so glad that Opeth are actually coming to my city this time around. Even if it is their 4th time in the US in the last year, some of us are willing to go to extremes to see them, no matter who is opening for them. However, Lacuna Coil were great to see twice last year, IMO. In addition, the local Atlanta band that opened for them , Litlitu, were really good and are supposed to play the BWBK 6-pack II this year.

If the band is good, or great, then a little travel may be needed and at the least, expected. These bands can't play for 20 people in every little godforsaken little town. They are in it for the money, because this is their fucking job. If they are so lucky to have this as their source of income. There are tons of musicians out there who have to work other jobs to try and have the luxury of playing music for people. Support the bands as you can and be happy or shut the fuck up!!!!!
Can't we all just get along? :D As someone who's spent 1/6th of his life in fucking Europe, I just want to say I love Europeans! I also want to say that I'm a bit drunk.

And furthermore, I don't live in Texas. I live in Southern California, which may the world's most metal friendly place. Don't hate me because of my geography. Hate me because I'm seeing Opeth 3 nights in a row while driving only 2 hours to the furthest show. Booonnnnggg.
umdebaba said:
...through alot of the american posts here we now know why europeans think bad of our country, its stupid posts by other people that make us look bad

Well..I've got news for ya..there are assholes everywhere..it's not exclusive to the United States:Smug:

As for Opeth touring the states...it's all about exposure. If a band only plays where they are well known..they won't continue to climb in popularity. In the states thay are still relatively unknown. I am in college and when I wear my Opeth hoodie people ask me what Opeth is...of course I enlighten them:loco: but Opeth definitely needs to tour here more.

Why the complaining about the damn shitty band that got added to the tour? Let me explain something to you. Like someone else said in this thread, we have waited a LONG time to see these bands that Europeans have known about and had ample opportunity to see throughout the years. We'd read metal mags, purchase CDs, and had to just resolve to the fact that we'd never see any of these European bands live. Well..now they are FINALLY touring here! WE GET TIRED OF THE RANDOM NU-METAL BAND THAT SEEMS TP APPEAR ON EVERY STINKING TOUR THAT COMES THROUGH...PLAIN AND SIMPLE! Sure I'll go have a beer and it's really no big deal..it's just the principal of the thing. The promoters over here like to do stupid shit like have Moonspell alternate the opening spot with this complete piece of shit band (if you haven't had the pleasure of listening to Devildriver..go to their website...check out the vocals...they are really special!) It's a great source of embarrassment for me that Opeth has to witness this horrible American band that seem to be so popular that they can slip right into the supporting slot with ONE fucking album!

To the moron that said Porcupine Tree sucks...WTF? Are you retarded?o_O
I heard some ladies speaking German today at work and I love the language. I understood them and said hello. Started talking, they were metal chicks. They mentioned Sepultura and some other bands I can't remember, but they were in the Thrash and Death Vein. So, I said "what about Opeth?" damned if they did not ask "Who?" German chicks never heard of Swedish death metal band Opeth. Okay that is an over-generalization. They are melodic and progressive and lots of other things. But, I think a european chick who likes Sepultura would have at least heard of Opeth by now, damn. I had tp break off the convo, even tho the blonde had a hot bod. they just turned me off. eehh, who knowsA?
icedsymphony said:
What are you so embarrassed about. I gave him what he gave us. At least my post has some truth to it. Why do Opeth tour the U.S. so much? Do you think it's because they like to. Do you know how many potential customers they have here. They play here because there is a demand for it. You don't like the Euro remarks, to fuckin bad. Every fuckin band board I go to has these fuckin retarded dicks making idiotic anti american remarks. It's the In thing now. I started to respond, then I ignored it for a while. Now you can all go fuck off, Ill say what the fuck I want if these Eurodicks can make their fucktard statements, Ill give right back without fear or consequence. Actually most of the retarded shit I here comes from most of you fudgepacking Americans like Brian who don't have the intelligence or balls to know simple truths like the potential market the U.S. holds for aband like Opeth. Does that mean they will sell a million Cd's when their next record comes out,probably not, but they could someday. So stop your bitching cause Opeth don't tour your country enough, they go where the $ is. Now Brian go back and read my post ther's a little riddle for your peanut brain to decipher. DICK
You should really get out more. Seriously.
first , there is no offence from me, we should all be mature enough to post our personal meanings about a topic. ok, 97reb, dont expect europeans to know opeth even if they are into metal. I live in austria and i can say that opeth are really small in the gernan speaking areas. On their concert in september there were only about 60 people, including about austrians, hungarian , polish , slovakia, chech and italien people. so you see that opeth are very little , but their fans travel veru long also to see them here in europe.pity that those girls didnt know one of the best bands from europe.
when i wear mt opeth shirt i get arrested, because the "kieberei"(austrian police) think that is a satanistic spell ,so does it get more unpopular, for real noone knows them here . I heared some of the devildriver music , and except the lyrics, they are ok, nu-metal, well they dint fit into a opeth gig, but hey, at least they arent standing together on stage , so who cares.i dont think that this spoils a gig, when you dont like the pre-band, you are there for opeth, even britney could open for them, it wouldnt mather.
I really think that america is a beautiful contry at some points and many people live there, so you cant speak for all of them. this anti-american what some are talking about , is mostly endured by the media in your homecountry , and isnt that exact the thing some peolple dont like "americans" , because they think the average "american: believes in all his goverment ruled tv company tells him. you are mistaken if any of you thinks you know america. you cant know a country with a population over 260 mio people. generalisation is bad in any way.
a band plays , where theyr record company books the venues, easy.
if they had big crowds last tour , no surprise they gonna be there again, fast
but it is not only about merch and record sales, you will see opeth wont stop touring europe even if the record sales go down like the titanic.
a band tours!.

ok, maybe that was a bit too much crap.
but it was fun to read the post in here , so i puted another on.
OfficerNice said:
OK, I took your advice darlin . Now what?
I Moved from California to Massachusetts and
it looks like the great metal coming is Helloween in 2 weeks.

Officer Nice
Theres a The Gathering/Agalloch show coming up in feb and of course Opeth/Moonspell/Devildriver(I'm not going to get this started again heh), also Cannibal Corpse/Hypocrisy/Exhumed... also coming up in a few months is the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival :worship: