
Hi Lumitalvi :)

I'm very fuck busy with the studio's insulation/acustical treatment building up on the walls, and goes also every morning to hoe in my grandfather's vegetable garden for help he (he is 80), and i also must found time to play/rec guitars & drums, mix/mount
my demo songs, studing acustical engineering and digital recording tecniques and build up my website :)
My only free time everyday is the only 7 or 8 hours when i sleep at night :)

But i hope to become more free as soon as possible :)

When i have more time i will come back with some interesting stuff, like the last italian Hypocrisy gig and the pics and some videoclip :)

Have a good day to everybody :)

Oh hey :)
You really are busy, good luck with the studio! And I want to see it someday. :)
Hope you can arrange some time for Wacken, although I´m not sure about it anymore even myself. Things have come up. We have to discuss about the subject later on.
Keep on rocking, M!
Talk talk talk talk blah blah blah blah....

uhhhhhhhhhh that's all I guess.

Damn this board has been slow lately. Prehaps I should transcribe my interview with Peter from two months ago to liven things up?! :loco:
Try that, yeah! :p

Like you had any problems with the talk :bah: mr.royalcarnageinwhichboardthere´salmosttoomuchtalk.. :bah:

I´m soon gonna post off-Hypo-threads. And why should the threads always be strictly related to the band? That´s why it´s so slow in here. We´re out of topics!
I'm here.........i'm just switching to another job and that has all my attention at the moment......and besides, nothing is happening here at the moment :(

We need some topics! And i can think of one that should be intresting enough...... :)
I'm late as usual/
I've been here in december last
Since that I've got married
And I'm afraid I'm pregnant/
This is something I could have never imagined happen to me
I'm moving from Irkutsk (Siberia) to Moscow soon, but not that soon to get to Hypocrisy 12/06
What else? :yell: