Hey !

Originally posted by Cincy Vigilante
I met Jerry Only from the misfits real cool guy was shaking hands and hugging all the people signing autographs and thanking us for showing up to suppore the band.

How the fuck could I forget Jerry Only, one of the coolest guys I have talked to. Ever. He even gave me a Misfits T-shirt, which is still (and it's about seven years) one of my most favourites.
Originally posted by Buddy_Love_Bomb
no i made love on the phone with Neil, I cybered with Danny...lol....

that's great !! I'm glad we can all laugh about that now. I've met everyone in the band except Dan Spitz. I saw him backstage, but he looked like such a little prick that I didn't wanna talk to him. I've met countless of bands. I almost got into a fist fight with Fred Durst before limp bizkit was known. I didn't even know who he was . He just looked like a prick and was giving me shit for getting in his way backstage before his band was about to go up. They were opening for Faith no more. Movie people: I've met Kevin Spacey, teri hatcher, kirk douglas, zeta jones, anthony hopkins, tom selleck, heston, john ritter, the fonz, among many more. I've also met, Laura Bush, Joe Lieberman, all three clintons, janet reno and many more politicans too. If you're wondering how I've met all these people, most of them I've waited on at work. In the fall/winter, I work at a ritzy restaurant in DC.
Of the bands I've met, I'd have to say the awards for:

biggest "rock star meat-head jerk" goes to DAVE MUSTAINE, this guys cockier than Gene Simmons, Dave must have been needed some heroine when I met him.

Coolest: John Bush

Most Talkative: Charlie Benante, you just have to talk about stuff he digs, other wise he is really shy

Tallest/Biggest/Most intimadating: Chuck Billy DUH

Wackiest: Mike Muir

Most Intellectual: Greg Graffin (once again DUH, he is a PhD candidate)

Most surprisingly nice: Henry Rollins

Shyest: Paul Stanley, as big a star as he is he is very shy.

Drunkest, most aloof, Ace Frehley

Wildest: Actually Biohazard, they were blowing up huge fireworks in the Hara Arena parking lot with us!!!

Biggest "Star Power" easily Gene Simmons

Disapointment: Megadeth
I've only met Frank Mullen from Suffocation (my dad used to work with him) and I saw Dave Mustaine at a Coyotes game but I didn't talk to him because I didn't feel like walking around the entire arena to where he was sitting, because it was actually a good game for once (of course, this was a few years ago when the Coyotes were actually worth the ticket prices).
i've meet no one got shit laods of autographs tho
dave mustaine has got a big ego it wouldent suprise me if he does a megadeth reunion he must be able to play now it's been a year we all no he loves being on the front of magazines ect ect
To give Dave some benefit of the doubt, I met him in mid-1995, and we have since found out that he was struggling with heroin and coke addiction big time. Also, two years prior to this, Megadeth were playing arenas, w/ names like White Zombie, Pantera, Suicidal Tendencies, Armored Saint, and Stone Temple Pilots opening for them. Now they needed Korn, Flotsam and Jetsam, and Fear Factory to help fill a club. Add to that, Korn was kicking their ass off the stage every night, and I think Dave was pretty well depressed. But, I've heard he was a dickhead to my friend that met him in 1992, in his supposed "heyday" Also, Friedman and Menza were assholes. The only cool one was Jr.
I once ran into Cindy Lauper at Border's books and Iggy Pop at a chili place. Iggy actually ate spaghetti with his bare hands. I'm not making this up. Other than that, I've met numerous bands at shows and such, and have nothing new to add here.

One musician I hope to meet someday but haven't yet is Augdawg....
Originally posted by Jeffasin
By the way, Cindy Lauper was extremely cool and very attractive in person. This was about 5 or 6 years ago....

Speaking of Cindy Lauper, I heard that the Goonies DVD has a really good commentary track.
Originally posted by Thra:rofl:ude
Speaking of Cindy Lauper, I heard that the Goonies DVD has a really good commentary track.

You know it really dose, I think its the best comentary out there, all of the cast was there, it goes from cast to movie, so you can see them watching the movie as thay are talkin, it was really good. I recomend at least renting the dvd if not buying it, i was real pleased with this dvd, well worthe the $20 i spent, I think its 14.99 now, so i def. recomend it... it has some cool deleated seans....
Cool. I'm gonna pick it up. That was my favorite movie when it came out. It's cheesey now, but I loved it when I was 12 or whatever.