Hi everyone, what's new??

Whats new? Well i got my NILE tickets and my deicide tickets i killed a rat with my pellet gun this morning
umm i stubbed my toe on the fireplace hearth. I knocked some fucking tweeker out cold yesterday for trying to
break in my car. Some chick flashed me her ta ta's and nu nu
on the freeway ( yea she was hot) her female friend was driving and she thought
it would be a good idea to pull her skirt up and thong down and use the peace sign
with her fingers and show me her goods. I almost wrecked my car. LoL thats about whats new in my
life anybody else?
Whats new? Well i got my NILE tickets and my deicide tickets i killed a rat with my pellet gun this morning
umm i stubbed my toe on the fireplace hearth. I knocked some fucking tweeker out cold yesterday for trying to
break in my car. Some chick flashed me her ta ta's and nu nu
on the freeway ( yea she was hot) her female friend was driving and she thought
it would be a good idea to pull her skirt up and thong down and use the peace sign
with her fingers and show me her goods. I almost wrecked my car. LoL thats about whats new in my
life anybody else?

Her ta ta's and nu nu? Are you 4? :lol:
Her twat and tits sorry dude i have a 3 year old son so my speaking terms have changed.
And why are the a bunch of haters on this site man? Everybody has to be a fucking douchebag.
Thats cool no worrys its funny how the little fucker
changed my life. My vocabulary my wants and whats important to me
its funny when people come to the house and get ready to leave
he gives them the horns and says "reign in blood sucka"
Her twat and tits sorry dude i have a 3 year old son so my speaking terms have changed.
And why are the a bunch of haters on this site man? Everybody has to be a fucking douchebag.

We're just bored on here. Stop taking offense to everything! Hell, I quit this board so many times because of it... now, I just don't care.
yeah this guy is prime troll bait for sure. My prediction... he's gone within 2 weeks. Hope I'm wrong but I'm feeling confident.