Hi everyone, what's new??

Actually that's simply the imprint left on my face after going down on your mother, sister, wife, mother-in-law, daughter, deceased grandmother and anyone else you can think of that may be offensive.
I think the chocolate is from rim-jobbing his gay lover and the white is from the man chowder when he was done with him.
I could be wrong though, it could be corpse paint, but what kinda fag would paint their face with makeup to look like a corpse?
I'm sorry, but it's rather difficult for me to feel offended by someone who has over 30,000 posts on the forum. I feel pity for anyone who hasn't seen the sun, or a vagina, in well over 8 years.

ACTUALLY, Will, has a girlfriend, whom he has been with for quite a few years now, and gets out plenty. On this board, he's pretty much royalty because of his history here and his friendship with the band. Who are you again?