hi I'm an idiot

everybody's x

My name is Damage
May 20, 2006
I bought the highest gained head in the fucking world, when I crank the gain all the way up and put a bad monkey in front of it, with the gain all the way up. It sounds fizzy.
I can't figure out why, but I figured I'd get on here and ask a bunch of professionals what to do about it. Some of them will go out of their way to help me, and even post clips and settings that they bothered to write down for me.Then when they tell me to turn the gain down I will call them jackasses and dickheads.

It could be because I have a power cord rated at 40 amps instead of 65, or maybe it's because I need specially made DMBASS73437418188 tubes from euro-tubes fashioned from Vincent Price's cryogenic urine samples.
Basically it could be anything except that the gain is too fucking high.

Man this amp is a piece of shit.

I think I'll post a new thread about it "2marrow"
JP22's triumphant return?
Seriously, this guy is so annoying that my eyes start bleeding and I wanna smash my head with a hammer when I read his rants.
I bought the highest gained head in the fucking world, when I crank the gain all the way up and put a bad monkey in front of it, with the gain all the way up. It sounds fizzy.
I can't figure out why, but I figured I'd get on here and ask a bunch of professionals what to do about it. Some of them will go out of their way to help me, and even post clips and settings that they bothered to write down for me.Then when they tell me to turn the gain down I will call them jackasses and dickheads.

It could be because I have a power cord rated at 40 amps instead of 65, or maybe it's because I need specially made DMBASS73437418188 tubes from euro-tubes fashioned from Vincent Price's cryogenic urine samples.
Basically it could be anything except that the gain is too fucking high.

Man this amp is a piece of shit.

I think I'll post a new thread about it "2marrow"

The gain is on 10 oclock usually speaking.

And for you to make a post about that... IS amazing,
but not surprising. 2marrow? IS that really something
that is critiqued on this forum?????

talk about being fucking losers.... Look at what you
do for entertainment:zombie:
Talk about the spelling of tomorrow?
2morrow? I mean what is the deal with that?
:zombie: :zombie:
Half of you talk to much game and probably
dont have anything to show for it... Which
is why you sit on a forum, And act like you
are the greatest gift to music, But all you really
know how to do, Is be a fucking spelling bee champion :err:
Half of you talk to much game and probably
dont have anything to show for it...

The gain is on 10 oclock usually speaking.

And for you to make a post about that... IS amazing,
but not surprising. 2marrow? IS that really something
that is critiqued on this forum?????

talk about being fucking losers.... Look at what you
do for entertainment:zombie:
Talk about the spelling of tomorrow?
2morrow? I mean what is the deal with that?
:zombie: :zombie:
Half of you talk to much game and probably
dont have anything to show for it... Which
is why you sit on a forum, And act like you
are the greatest gift to music, But all you really
know how to do, Is be a fucking spelling bee champion :err:

Mate chill down you brought a fair bit of this on yourself. This is usually a pretty mellow forum. Not saying its all your fault but you havent helped it. A lot of the guys who have posted know what theyre talking about and if it hasnt worked for you then thats either a taste thing or maybe an amp problem. Have you tried other triple xxx's?

Ive got a triple XXX and love it as do many others. Max Cavelera plays em and hes far from country. The Triple XXX started out as a George Lynch signature head and was designed for metal very few country players find they do the job for them.

If you can try it against another one and theres no difference then its a question of taste so get a 5150. If its looks like yours has a problem PM me and Ill see what we can sort for you. Id do customer service, tech support and artist relations for Peavey Europe.

Chill down and enjoy the forum and lets see if we can figure this out. You might get the piss taken a bit but hyou only got it a lot cos you bit so hard. :kickass:
Id do customer service, tech support and artist relations for Peavey Europe.

OH really?:headbang: i think you should give us all 5150s. i mean.. 6505... whatever.
ive already got one, but some of these poor guys...
any how.... spoken to someone from fell silent recently? lol