Hi My name's Josh and I think the metal scene can go get fucked

Yeah Sarah rules Spiffo.

I'm sure Tori is very deep and writes emotional music, I just can't get past the piece of shite that is Cornflake Girl. That is one awful, awful song. If she has better ones then why did she have to release that and have it saturate the airwaves.

Fine so she likes to get all cathartic and write really raw stuff because she's been raped at gunpoint. Good for her, I just don't get off on that kind of music.
Wrathchild said:
As for Tori's "whole tortured artist and Feminazi thing", that's just how she gets labelled by the press and categorised by ignorant people who don't listen to her music and think they know what she's all about. Her songs are so much more than personal or political bra-burning exercises.

Yes, and if I said black metal has been labelled by the press as "extreme" and categorised as satanic music by ignorant people, and that it is about so much more than screeching and blast beats you would of course change your mind about it, right?
"Yes, and if I said black metal has been labelled by the press as "extreme" and categorised as satanic music by ignorant people, and that it is about so much more than screeching and blast beats you would of course change your mind about it, right?"

No, because I've heard enough of it to know it's about as appealing to me as chewing tinfoil. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that your opinion of Tori is based solely on one cover version of hers that you don't like. Go and listen to some of her original stuff and see if you feel differently :).

Wrathchild said:
"Yes, and if I said black metal has been labelled by the press as "extreme" and categorised as satanic music by ignorant people, and that it is about so much more than screeching and blast beats you would of course change your mind about it, right?"

No, because I've heard enough of it to know it's about as appealing to me as chewing tinfoil. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that your opinion of Tori is based solely on one cover version of hers that you don't like. Go and listen to some of her original stuff and see if you feel differently :).

Ive heard quite a few of her songs, besides the cover. Not a heap, but 3 or 4, she had some special thing on tv on one of those music programs once and I watched it. There was nothing else on :cry:

Id be quite interested to know what black metal you have ACTUALLY heard, not because I think you would like it, but because I think you are lying about having heard it :)
And I would be interested to know what black metal YOU have heard, spawn, and how much of it you like. "De Mysteriis dom Sathanas" by Mayhem, "A Blaze in the Northern Sky" by Darkthrone, "Heaven Shall Burn... When we Are Gathered" by Marduk, "In the Nightside Eclipse" by Emperor, Dimmu Borgir's "For All Tid", Burzum's "Det Som Engvar", Immortal's "Pure Holocaust" and "The Secrets of the Black Arts" by Dark Funeral are generally considered the defining albums of the black metal genre. How many of them do you own and enjoy?
Goreripper said:
And I would be interested to know what black metal YOU have heard, spawn, and how much of it you like. "De Mysteriis dom Sathanas" by Mayhem, "A Blaze in the Northern Sky" by Darkthrone, "Heaven Shall Burn... When we Are Gathered" by Marduk, "In the Nightside Eclipse" by Emperor, Dimmu Borgir's "For All Tid", Burzum's "Det Som Engvar", Immortal's "Pure Holocaust" and "The Secrets of the Black Arts" by Dark Funeral are generally considered the defining albums of the black metal genre. How many of them do you own and enjoy?
Lets see... I own:

De Mysteriis dom Sathanas and Wolfs Lair Abyss by Mayhem, along with rehearsal footage with Dead and Euronymous on dvd.

World Funeral and La Grande Danse Macabre by Marduk (and the only reason I dont have Heaven Shall Burn is because I havent been able to find it yet, amazon dont have it and Utopia havent had it when ive been there).

Every single Emperor cd, including the first ep, and their dvd.

Secrets Of The Black Arts by Dark Funeral, which has a great cover.

Every single Immortal cd, plus about 12 live dvd bootlegs of them.

Obviously I own every Dimmu Borgir cd and a ton of bootleg dvds of them.

I have A Blaze In The Northern Sky and Hate Them by Darkthrone.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but you just got OWNED. Seriously, what were you thinking?

As to the ones I enjoy, Wolfs Lair Abyss is pretty crap, but DMDS is pretty good, even though it makes me laugh sometimes. Especially Funeraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal........... FOG! Great riffs though. World Funeral by Marduk is absolutely awesome, as I said on my journal about 3 weeks ago. Everyone knows i think Immortal is brilliant, the only 2 albums of theirs I think are bad are DFM and BB, the rest are pretty much utter brilliance. Emperor is good, I dont think they are as good as everyone makes out though, they certainly arent anywhere near bad anyway. Dimmu Borgir is great, they have never made a bad cd. Darkthrone are pretty well crap. Hate Them is ok in parts, but they are WAY over rated. Dark Funeral I find a bit boring, not bad as such, but when I want to listen to black metal I dont put Dark Funeral on, having said that im going to buy their latest album as it got good reviews.
I heard a fair bit of black metal back in the days when I used to listen to Powersurge on a regular basis, including your beloved Dimmu Borgir and some of the bands that Gore mentioned. As you know I'm an old schooler, so I had a hard time telling one song or band from another.

Yes I have listened to more than my fair share of the stuff and no I didn't like it. Maybe my opinion of the whole genre is biased and ill-informed, but let's just remember things like metal radio shows before you start accusing people of lying, shall we? :).

Wrathchild said:
I heard a fair bit of black metal back in the days when I used to listen to Powersurge on a regular basis, including your beloved Dimmu Borgir and some of the bands that Gore mentioned. As you know I'm an old schooler, so I had a hard time telling one song or band from another.

Yes I have listened to more than my fair share of the stuff and no I didn't like it. Maybe my opinion of the whole genre is biased and ill-informed, but let's just remember things like metal radio shows before you start accusing people of lying, shall we? :).

I shall take back my lying comment forthwith. Then say that I cant tell the difference between most piano playing songstresses either, so dont feel too bad :)
spawn said:
Not to put too fine a point on it, but you just got OWNED. Seriously, what were you thinking?
I was just curious as to what black metal you had in your collection, that's all. You talk a lot about Dimmu Borgir and Immortal and you've mentioned Marduk from time to time but that's it. I was pretty sure you had some of the stuff I mentioned. :) Plus it was also an excuse for me to list the stuff that should form the basic of a black metal collection. I agree with you about Dark Funeral too.
I dont know, it was just like someone asking if Koichi had any, or knew anything about grind or something, thats all :lol:

Though I will say that there is a lot of crap black metal, when its really good, its maybe my favourite genre, but theres a LOT of shitty black metal. The good to crap ratio is probably the worst in any genre. Plus the fact that a lot of what is "considered" to be great is actually crap anyway! I still dont understand why Emperor is so revered, they are good but nowhere near as great as they are made out to be.

Funny that all the most revered black metal albums have murderers or sensationalism surrounding them... Im sure its a conincidence, black metal fans could never be stupid enough to like something for reasons other than the music, right?