
dude im sorry but atleast rhapsody has talent
have you ever seen the nightwish dvd....it consists of a keyboardists who plays air guitar the entire set and an erotic dancing opera singer whos off-key and wears a fluffy wierd cape thingy
this band is straight up fag material
not to mention the moronic chick singer isn't even hot shes like 40 and sings like she has a 12 rubber dildo wedged up her backside

rhapsody might be gay but nightwish fucking takes the fags of metal trophy
Sorry Wolf, but BOTH bands are gay in equal porportions. I don't like Nightwish, or Rhapsody. Regardless of this fact, the match goes to Wolftribe for buying Skinless.
id give the gay edge to rhapsody. i mean, they invented their own gay little fantasy world that they sing about all the time. nightwish has slightly more of an excuse becuase chicks write crappy lyrics anyway. yell at me if you want, but chick lyrics = sucks. extremely limited exceptions. (and before you yell at me, i think most dudes write shit lyrics as well.)
dude im sorry but atleast rhapsody has talent
have you ever seen the nightwish dvd....it consists of a keyboardists who plays air guitar the entire set and an erotic dancing opera singer whos off-key and wears a fluffy wierd cape thingy
this band is straight up fag material
not to mention the moronic chick singer isn't even hot shes like 40 and sings like she has a 12 rubber dildo wedged up her backside

rhapsody might be gay but nightwish fucking takes the fags of metal trophy
nightwish is gay

But you listen to rhapsody...