High Voltage festival Londen


Apr 19, 2005
Baarlo, The Netherlands

I was just wondering if anyone is travelling to Londen in the weekend of 24 July, to visit the High Voltage festival? www.highvoltagefestival.com If so, let us know, I will be there with my wife and probably a few other people from Baarlo. The line-up is excellent I think, it will be my own birthday present, haha.

So if you go there, let us know and we could have a few beers.


Else I will see you in October, at an even better festival :kickass:

hmm would be a good idea, as Gary and Simon live over there. The prog stage would make a good birthday afterparty! I gotta think deeply into my finances about that.
well, the Progstage line-up looks very nice, but ELP would be a real dream come true:OMG::notworthy, so if I won't be in Sweden for work July/August/September, I'll definitely try to make it possible...
We have visited High Voltage in London this year with 7 people from Baarlo. I must say, it was absolutely fabulous. Of course the weather was very important, but overal the festival was excellent. If they will continue, I will be there next year again. And of course 1 extra day to hang around in the pubs in London :kickass:
