Hihat and Ride Cymbal during fills?


Jan 31, 2007
Just curious what other people are doing regarding drum programming. I've generally tried to program my drum tracks so that they sound like a real drummer played them - not some guy with 3 or 4 arms. :rolleyes: However, even listening to some commercial CD's, I'm hearing ride cymbals or hihats continuing during the tom and snare fills.

What do most of you guys do? Drop the hihat and ride hits during drum fills? Or keep them going?

If I'm putting together a demo for a band who want a real drummer but don't have one yet, I'll program as if it were played by a drummer. And try to make it sound realistic.

I've always used a drum machine in my own projects - yes, even live - so I can do whatever I think sounds best. Which usually means I don't want the hi-hat pattern to disappear just 'cos I put in a snare fill, etc. If it's plainly stated that the percussion is synthetic, anything goes.

It's somewhat up to the artist though - if they say "well we won't be able to play it like that live, but it sounds better so let's have the ideal case on the recording and live just get it as close as possible" that's a viable viewpoint I suppose.
Ahem. it is possible to put in some hits on the symbals BETWEEN the tom and snare hits while keeping the flow of the fill. Often, a drummer will have his cymbals positioned right over his toms so he's able to hit them both with one motion of the arm/wrist/hand/tentacle. Great drummers like Hoglan and wildoer can do this at extreme speed.