

Jul 1, 2003
Concord, CA
what do you guys think of HIM?

i just picked up "And Love Said No" today i love it. i had Deep Shadow & Brilliant Highlights and i've played the shit out of it.

ALSN hasn't left my stereo since i got it today.
i used to be a big fan of HIM, i like their songs and lyrics but I have played the shit out of razorblade romance that i just dont want to listen to the cd anymore. maybe when their new cd drops ill be a big fan again.
E6V6I6L said:
what do you guys think of HIM?

i just picked up "And Love Said No" today i love it. i had Deep Shadow & Brilliant Highlights and i've played the shit out of it.

ALSN hasn't left my stereo since i got it today.

Little girls band!
The Grimace said:

Hail, fellow Sikth fan. Not enough of us.


Hey hey! It sure is a rarity to encounter a fellow Sikth lover :)

I had some guy trying to tell me they were emo the other day, WTF?

Open the door, come in, let the transmitting begin...
Hehe, they do have some emo-ish moments (I think ALL their songs are about girls, hah), but just barely and even then they're more like Coheed & Cambria than Thurdsay, and much more effectively done. Really, the reason I hate emo is not because of the style itself, but the lame ass bands that play it.


The monkey is waiting in the tree
Counts to three
Hearing the sound of the fume-fuelled wagon
He leaps on the back...
Attack! Attack! Attack!
No old heathen, not today.

The rain falls upon the acidic trees of the millennium scorn
The fire has vanished, leaving behind a trail of death for all to see.
The birds & the trees, then you & me
Lay twitching on the forest floor.
The yeti is waiting for us to take us into his home,
Care for us just like one of his own.
