History and Metal

For me, embarrassing lyrics can detract from an album (and excellent ones often add to my appreciation for one), but I always regard the words as being secondary to the music, and occasionally some vocalists manage to make complete nonsense roll off the tongue in a very pleasing manner (to further add to the joke, Bruce Dickinson.)
JayKeeley said:
When it comes to non-English lyrics, they become somewhat of a moot point if I don't know the 'foreign' language. In fact, I'd rather a band stick to their original language than bastardize their own "pure" lyrics through poor English translation, weak intonations, etc. And since you can't understand some of these bands anyway....I dunno, some languages just sound phonetically more interesting/historic/romantic than English.
I'm drunk so I feel compelled to go through this point by point...even though I skipped a few just now :blush:

In this case, I must make an interesting comparison: Gontyna Kry v. Helloween

In the case of the former, I cannot understand a word of Polish yet their spoken word passages combined with synths+sound effects evoke a feeling of pride within me...as if we are speaking a universal language through music: that of Pride. Pride in our race and heritage, and a determination to annihilate those who oppose that.

In the case of the latter, throughout their career Helloween's albums are full of lyrics that no sane English-speaking person would consider putting to paper:

"Heavy Metal can't be beaten by any dynasty / we're all wizards fighting with our spell"

"One day you'll live in happiness with a heart that's full of joy / you'll say the word 'tomorrow' without fear"

"His assistant's hips were nice / so he cloned her once or twice / now his hips are aching / what a scene!"

"Something's growing in my pants as I look into her eyes"

And yet, with the exception of the last one really, all those lyrics are part of sons that amount to undeniable fun, air guitar and (hopefully) drunken headbanging.

I don't think there's much point to this, except to maybe add fuel to a fire :)
Demonspell said:
occasionally some vocalists manage to make complete nonsense roll off the tongue in a very pleasing manner
Wow, see my comment about Helloween! :D

You could add Ronnie James Dio to that list...to be honest, I've felt that from Holy Diver onwards his incredibley cool rhymes and plugs of rainbows at every opportunity turned into....well, pointless rhymes. I dunno...does the abscence of Ritchie Blackmore or Tony Iommi really make that much difference? Apart from Holy Diver or Rainbow In The Dark I couldn't help thinking "ok, 'circles and rings / dragons and kings" was as cool as you got..."

Shit...I critiscised the amazing god RJD :OMG: herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm............. :yell: help!

I was just thinking about how many metal fans actually play instruments too. I'm not sure how you could compare, but I bet metal fans generally play an instrument more so than other [insert genre] fans.

Also, I get the impression that metal musicians tend to be as semi-obsessive as the fans when it comes to following other bands, collecting records, etc. In fact, I find it a little annoying when some metal artists claim they never even listen to metal. I think it's just a pseudo-intellectual image or something because I find it hard to believe...
I've always thought that metal fans produced more musicians percentage-wise than other genres, but then again metal is the only genre I listen to where I actually pay attention to the fans. Then again again then, out of my circle of close friends, the only dude that doesn't play an instrument is the only one that doesn't listen to much metal, heh.

Metal musicians who claim they never listen to metal are either cocky, stupid, or lying.
I have to agree, but I do think metal musicians who claim that their main influences are outside of metal are for the most part telling the truth...as for the genre producing the most bands, that's debatable, but except maybe for punk/hardcore and its variants it's hard to think of a genre where so many new bands emerge every week and are forgotten the next...
Adrian said:
Metal musicians who claim they never listen to metal are either cocky, stupid, or lying.

This always pissed me off about guys like Mike Akerfeldt and Dan Swano. They seem to think there's no good music coming out of the metal genre since the 90s began. I don't know how far into the underground they care to delve, but I think there are quite a few good albums to listen to out there.
I agree. Anyone who says there's no good metal nowadays only says that because he hasn't looked good enough and that in turn is because he doesn't care enough.