Hit or Miss

Jew hair, but I've grown it out long enough that it doesn't really curl too much.
Next person is listening to Bloodbath atm.
Hit, well, sorta. I haven't worn the clothes in a while, but I did take out the shield and practice sword for some exercise not too long ago. Really need to make a spear one of these days.

Next person has seen live combat re-enactments. :)
Hit :( I want a big ass drinking horn!

Next person is having a great day!

@meese you have to drink everytime the word "Thunderstruck" is said during the AC/DC song. hahhaha evil wicked game.
hit its way better than internet explorer

next person will tell us what is batleth :S

Ok, since you insist... HIT. I was testing your geekiness and you have lost:heh:

A bat'leth is a Klingon honour sword- a weapon from StarTrek in case my explanation still meant nothing. Actually people sign up to learn how to use it. :lol: but that is far too geeky even for me.



Next person prefers Star Wars to Star Trek