hitch hiking


average stalker
Oct 8, 2002
Burkina Faso
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have you ever done it? do you consider it dangerous? any tips?

i'm asking you this, cause i'm planning to hitch hike my way to Helsinki (about 300 km's) on friday..

i'm doing it with my friend, and we're gonna choose pretty carefully whose car we're gonna jump into..

so if you don't see me online ever again it might be because i chose the wrong car, some pedophile raped me and decided to kill me afterwards..
My Dad used to hitchhike all the time, he could often do better hitchhiker than he could have driving (that is, got farther in less time). Of course, that was in the 60's, and it was far, far safer back then.

These days, it's different. If you're a good looking female (which you are), do it with a friend. Bring a guy along if you can. A big guy. A strong, muscular manly man.

Liek me :D
Well, if your a guy... get a thumb somewhat like THIS.....


Or alternatively... if you're a grrl, just flash your tits at cars as they go past... both are liable to attract LOTS of attention!!! :Smug:

Ouga - you said all the important things already so I have no further advice.

I've hitchhiked some like 10 years ago, sometimes all by myself too. Most of the times with a friend (a girl). I didn't hitchhike far away, mainly some 20 - 30 kilometres at a time.

Nothing scary ever happened... But once the driver said something like he was mentally ill and having a vacation from the loonie bin :erk:. He also asked me what would I do if he pulled over and did something to me. But fortunately I managed to convince him to drive me to the town since my friends would be waiting there for me...
I hitch hiked all the time in Ukraine-but its not that dangerous to do that there...would never do it in England, unless I was looking to be raped and killed.
I hitch hiked inside Mexico because some of the roads were closed,me and a german girl on the south of Mexico.It was fun but kinda dangerous
I don't know how the situation in Finland is.but good luck(send me pics)