hitch hiking

I agree that an 11 year old...or even a...hmm....14 year old wount understand fully what responsebilities sex might come with, but a 20 year old virgin might also be in the same situation. Full understanding of the implivations comes with maturity and sexual activities themselves
but people in society concensually agree that their children should not be left with that responsibility on their shoulders.

the truth is that if there was no legal age of consent, a lot of old men would seduce and have sex with a lot of very very young girls and boys. i think it would cause a pretty huge amount of misery.
*shrugs* just....in eastern europian countries (like ukraine) there are no legal age of consent laws, and nothing like that happens.
Maybe I'm still naive enough to think the best of people, or havent lived in england long enough.
veil the sky said:
but the general consensus is that a full understanding of the implications of our sexual activity is something that matures with age. i certainly don't think an 11 year old is, in general, emotionally equipped to understand the genuine implications of her sexual activities.

An 11 year old boy IS emotionally equipped to give consent. an 11 year old boy or girl is smart enough to make the desision. If an 11 year old boy or girl can make the decision to beat up someone, physically and mentally torment them to near breaking point, then they are old enough to give consent.

My point is, Children are smart, children are coniving, children will tease, bully, physically abuse, mentally rape any weak kids. Therefor they should be able to take it as well.

In my opinion, if they give consent, it isn't rape, no matter how young they are.

Again, a pedophile is someone who likes prepubescent children. Once they act on those feelings WITHOUT concent, then it is raped, and they deserve the death penalty, no question. But when consent is given, then it is not a crime.

You say young kids can't give consent? They aren't old enough, smart enough to make the desision? They make their own desisions to pick on other kids, drive them to suicide, ruin their lives, rape their personalities.. They make these choices, therefor they can make the choice whether to have sex or not.

If you think kids are innocent, then WHAT FUCKING PLANET ARE YOU ON? They will kick you when you're down. They will leave you bleeding in a corner.

But do THEY go to jail? NO.

HELL yes i'm angry, for what has happened to me. Also, for your information, I consented to doing something when I was young, and now I regret it. But I made the choice. I have to except that choice.

Sorry for the unflowing nature of my post. I'm no essay writer.
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Alyona said:
*shrugs* just....in eastern europian countries (like ukraine) there are no legal age of consent laws, and nothing like that happens.
Maybe I'm still naive enough to think the best of people, or havent lived in england long enough.

99% of child porn comes from eastern european countries.

jsut chuck ru on the end of the web site address, and WALLAH! Child porn.

Oh yeah.. Child porn.. I think I would have to say I'm against it..

That's why pedo-hentai is so good. No one gets hurt, and keeps me OUT OF YOUR SCHOOLS! MAUUAHAHAHDH@#HDHD@@#fff
lol I'm against the production of child porn but I've looked at it before, :lol:

and for the record, I agree with everything Kushan said
@kushantaiidan: i think the point is the age difference. 12-y-o kids beating up 12-y-o kids are ok as we can assume the level of understanding is pretty much the same. 40-y-o dudes having 12-y-o kids giving "consent" to have sex with them is generally thought of as a fraud, since most 40-y-o people are more... let's say socially equipped to persuade or even psychologically coerce little kids to have their way.
the full consciousness of a child's decisions can be influenced by that of another kid on a 1:1 ratio, but that's not the same with grown-ups.
also, you're basically saying that anyone who could be abusive should not be protected from abuse, yet this is what happens with more or less any law: i am able to kill, yet i have a right not to be killed.

@greatphoenix: anyway, put it off, you're not that much of a pervert, there's very attractive young girls out there and you should never believe what they say their age is. :p

rahvin said:
12-y-o kids beating up 12-y-o kids are ok as we can assume the level of understanding is pretty much the same.

something about that makes me confused. and by confused I mean I don't know whether to laugh or get angry.

"Okay I'm going to kick your ass, so you understand that you're about to get your ass kicked by me, right?"
"Yes I understand that you're about to beat the shit out of me, so you're perfectly free to do so because you're not too old. So go ahead, beat the shit out of me until I'm bloody and bruised and I shall go run home crying to my mother and you shall go unpunished because you're not forty yet."

Somehow I don't think that makes much sense to me. :)
**Gropes around blindly in the dark.**

Rahvin? Huh? Where are you? I can't here you.

**Falls down a hole, goes to bed.**


Kushantaiidan said:
An 11 year old boy IS emotionally equipped to give consent. an 11 year old boy or girl is smart enough to make the desision. If an 11 year old boy or girl can make the decision to beat up someone, physically and mentally torment them to near breaking point, then they are old enough to give consent.

My point is, Children are smart, children are coniving, children will tease, bully, physically abuse, mentally rape any weak kids. Therefor they should be able to take it as well.

In my opinion, if they give consent, it isn't rape, no matter how young they are.

Again, a pedophile is someone who likes prepubescent children. Once they act on those feelings WITHOUT concent, then it is raped, and they deserve the death penalty, no question. But when consent is given, then it is not a crime.

You say young kids can't give consent? They aren't old enough, smart enough to make the desision? They make their own desisions to pick on other kids, drive them to suicide, ruin their lives, rape their personalities.. They make these choices, therefor they can make the choice whether to have sex or not.

If you think kids are innocent, then WHAT FUCKING PLANET ARE YOU ON? They will kick you when you're down. They will leave you bleeding in a corner.

But do THEY go to jail? NO.

HELL yes i'm angry, for what has happened to me. Also, for your information, I consented to doing something when I was young, and now I regret it. But I made the choice. I have to except that choice.

Sorry for the unflowing nature of my post. I'm no essay writer.

a lot of very young kids make the 'decision' to emotionally and physically abuse other kids exactly because of their immaturity and their lack of foresight. i used to bully kids really badly when i was at school too. i feel pretty bad about it now, but i just didn't think about the consequences of my actions.

kids CAN give consent, but the fact is that consent is very easily solicited from naieve young children.
ouagadougou said:
thank you everyone

Chris you called my 23-year-old boyfriend a pedophile, remember?

oh so he's your boyfriend now? I thought he was just this dude you knew that you kissed on a boat. so now you're saying that when you like pedophiles? I thought you hated them. Make up your mind!
If its concealed in your jacket or something...if its concealed!!!! How the fuck would they know you have it? Are you nuts? If I can bring weapons to school where everyone is supposedly safe... unless you consider concealed taking a hunting knife and wraping it around the outer layer of your pants...you should be fine.