hitch hiking

just dont go up to big black trucks.....like in that movie preview....i think it was called vacation or some shit........the preview went for like 1 hour...and was at the beginning of every movie from 1990-1995
ppl just disappeared.......what a ghey preview
Kushantaiidan said:
Well, you might as well go and rape some children now. Cos the detrimental effect on the child will be little compared to the effects of bullying, from my own experience.

i guess you've never met a child that was raped when they were 12 then!

If its concealed in your jacket or something...if its concealed!!!! How the fuck would they know you have it? Are you nuts? If I can bring weapons to school where everyone is supposedly safe... unless you consider concealed taking a hunting knife and wraping it around the outer layer of your pants...you should be fine.

doesn't change the fact that if you take a concealed weapon into someone elses car then you deserve to get a thorough pounding!

statistically carrying a weapon results in a considerably higher likelihood of being attacked. just so you know.

also if someone was going to pick up hitch-hikers to attack them, they are gonna be pretty confident in their abilities to kick your ass. so they are likely to be well capable of getting your weapon off you and using it themselves! if you take a great big knife into a car with a killer...... you'll probably end up wishing you hadn't.....
veil the sky said:
seems like you had a rough time at the hands of school bullies.......

perhaps. It just infuriates me when children are seen as innocent. OH LOOK AT THE LITTLE KID BEATING THE OTHER KID IN THE FACE WITH A BRICK. SO CUTE AND INNOCENT.

But my point is simple, there should be no legal limits, but much much stricter laws on child abuse.