hitch hiking

I'd think it would be pretty safe in Finland. Nothing bad ever happens there. :D

I did it once. But it was in Wisconsin, so it wasn't that scary.
If possbile, conceal a weapon. See, the thing is, its kind of a two way street, if you look dangerous to them, they won't give you a ride, but if they look dangerous to you, you won't get a ride from them.

I guess you have to have a certain level of trust for humans.

I personaly have never hitchhiked... but I'd be ready to beat some ass if I was you ;)
Before hitch-hiking, to defend yourself, you'd better have a (Otis) tool in your bag, along with your cd player with the Suzanne Vega song 'My name's (Henry Lee) Luca'.
Iron-Flames said:
If possbile, conceal a weapon. See, the thing is, its kind of a two way street, if you look dangerous to them, they won't give you a ride, but if they look dangerous to you, you won't get a ride from them.

I guess you have to have a certain level of trust for humans.

I personaly have never hitchhiked... but I'd be ready to beat some ass if I was you ;)


that really is going to be pretty counter productive.

if i picked up a hitch-hiker and noticed half way throught the journey they were concealing a weapon, i'd either open the door and push them out at full speed, or give them some kind of a beating on my own.

if you carry an offensive weapon into someone elses car (someone who is doing you a favour) and then you get attacked yourself, then it's your own damn fault!!!
i agree that it might not be as dangerous in finland as elsewhere. i wouldn't do that in italy, though i'm sure there are times and places where it's safe. i just don't happen to know either.

but since i'm spamming i can also bring up the fact that pedophilia would have absolutely nothing to do with someone wanting to rape you, ouagadougou, unless you've reverted back to a pre-pubescent state - which i find unlikely. it doesn't matter that you're under age. that's obviously still a crime, but not pedophilia.

rahvin said:
but since i'm spamming i can also bring up the fact that pedophilia would have absolutely nothing to do with someone wanting to rape you, ouagadougou.

how the fuck is that spamming? It seems like if you don't write a ten paragraph post on politics or religion nowadays you're spamming. :erk:

Anyway, I'm glad you mentioned that, rahvin. I was pretty offended myself that Ulla would link pedophiles with rapists in such a way. Just because a person finds younger people attractive doesn't make them a sex offender. I think someone should get that stereotype out of their system pretty soon. :rolleyes:

Carry a switchblade in your pocket, Ulla. If they pull the car over and look at you ominously while locking all doors quickly reach into your pockets and pull it and say ":mad: BACK OFF, FUCKA!!!"

GreatPhoenix said:
how the fuck is that spamming? It seems like if you don't write a ten paragraph post on politics or religion nowadays you're spamming. :erk:

see, i'm not used to post on many different threads and keeping on replying, so by my standards this is spam. i wasn't even getting into the matter of content, as it would be arrogant to claim mine is of any quality.

Anyway, I'm glad you mentioned that, rahvin. I was pretty offended myself that Ulla would link pedophiles with rapists in such a way. Just because a person finds younger people attractive doesn't make them a sex offender. I think someone should get that stereotype out of their system pretty soon. :rolleyes:

to clarify:

- having sex with someone without his/her consent defines a sex offender, or rapist.

- having sex with someone under age with or without his/her consent when you're not under age yourself is a sexual offense in most countries. except that of course when there is a consent you're not likely to be prosecuted as noone goes around waving a flag saying what you did

- wanting to have sex with someone who has not reached puberty yet defines a pedophile as it is a common belief that until secondary sexual characters have developed in someone you shouldn't find them attractive unless you have some sort of perversion. this is not directly connected to a girl's age, as there are places when puberty comes much earlier than in others. and if you do act on such feelings, then you're a pedophile and a sex offender, and i must say i hope an afterlife does exist just so you can suffer for all eternity in it. :)

Rahvin said:
- having sex with someone under age with or without his/her consent when you're not under age yourself is a sexual offense in most countries. except that of course when there is a consent you're not likely to be prosecuted as noone goes around waving a flag saying what you did

trust me though that DOES happen!
veil the sky said:
trust me though that DOES happen!

i know, i noticed right after posting that it was ambiguous. i meant that when both really agree (like, when 18- or 19-y-o guys are in "stable" relationships with 16- or 17-y-o girls) neither complains or report the crime to authorities. third parties often do, though, and also people under age might have second thoughts after consenting. that's why it's never a good idea to run the risk.

rahvin said:
i know, i noticed right after posting that it was ambiguous. i meant that when both really agree (like, when 18- or 19-y-o guys are in "stable" relationships with 16- or 17-y-o girls) neither complains or report the crime to authorities. third parties often do, though, and also people under age might have second thoughts after consenting. that's why it's never a good idea to run the risk.


yeh! that and angry fathers with pitch-forks.... damn those things leave a mark...... :cry:
third parties should not know about a persons sex life in the first place.

and it doesn't matter if you are under age or not...people sometimes have regrets after consenting to something they were not sure about.
Alyona said:
and it doesn't matter if you are under age or not...people sometimes have regrets after consenting to something they were not sure about.

of course. it's just that when you're under age your right to have regrets is more protected by the law. while i might agree that the setting of a certain age as "moment when you can accept full responsibility for your consent" is quite arbitrary, i hardly see any other way of doing it.

I'm sure that if a girl was under age and consented to having sex she would know what she is doing. Making it illegal to have sex with a girl under the age of 16 will not stop anyone younger then that having sex or even getting pregnant.

I agree with you that a person should take full responsability for their consent, but don't agree that a certain age should be put on that.
Alyona said:
I'm sure that if a girl was under age and consented to having sex she would know what she is doing. Making it illegal to have sex with a girl under the age of 16 will not stop anyone younger then that having sex or even getting pregnant.

I agree with you that a person should take full responsability for their consent, but don't agree that a certain age should be put on that.

actually if i'm not mistaken - and it may vary according to specific legislations - when you're not 16-y-o a lack of consent is presumed and cannot be proved otherwise. up to a point, this is concurring to your idea that there shouldn't be an age when consent becomes more valid: here there is simply an age when you are allowed to consent to having sex, and the time before when you're not. for the law, a 10-y-o is not able to effectively give consent, and so is a 15-y-o: they have both automatically denied consent even if they said "yes" or something to that extent but more of a turn-on. :p
again, it seems to me that since there is a need to set a specific date, any is perhaps equally debatable as either too strict or too lax.

a funny thing is, in italy - and in other countries, i expect - when both people are between 14 and 18 years old, no crime is committed in case of mutual consent. which is odd and incongruous given that what i mentioned above ought to apply.

sexual abuse is different to sex with consent. Maybe a little 11 year old perverted child want to be fucked by a hairy old man! (ew!)
but the general consensus is that a full understanding of the implications of our sexual activity is something that matures with age. i certainly don't think an 11 year old is, in general, emotionally equipped to understand the genuine implications of her sexual activities.
rahvin said:
to clarify:

- having sex with someone without his/her consent defines a sex offender, or rapist.

- having sex with someone under age with or without his/her consent when you're not under age yourself is a sexual offense in most countries. except that of course when there is a consent you're not likely to be prosecuted as noone goes around waving a flag saying what you did

- wanting to have sex with someone who has not reached puberty yet defines a pedophile as it is a common belief that until secondary sexual characters have developed in someone you shouldn't find them attractive unless you have some sort of perversion. this is not directly connected to a girl's age, as there are places when puberty comes much earlier than in others. and if you do act on such feelings, then you're a pedophile and a sex offender, and i must say i hope an afterlife does exist just so you can suffer for all eternity in it. :)


well let me clarify. I'm a pedophile but I'd never fuck a girl until she's old enough to fuck. And in my opinion any self respecting girl shouldn't have sex until she's about seventeen or eighteen and should be in a relationship with a man. Simply saying that someone would rape you because you're a pedophile is fucking narrow-minded and obnoxious. I wouldn't rape anyone, I wouldn't take advantage of an unintelligable girl. Maybe I'm perverted, yes, but I don't think perversion is a punishable offense, because I still have morals and I'm still a good person. So I ask you, what's so damnable about internal desires if it harms no one? :err: