HM-2core band. (FFO Black Breath/Nails/Harm's Way etc)

Sounds cool. Only thing I'd say is the snare seems a little too upfront in the mix. The Sunlight Studios guitar sound is so ridiculous it's awesome! Do you have everything on 10 on the pedal? What amp did you run the HM-2 into? I recently have been messing around with it as well. I run a Metal zone first to boost the HM-2 and also tighten it up. Then I run it into the clean channel of a Peavey Bandit with an Eq pedal in the loop. How many guitar tracks are there? How many mics were used on the drums? I've been getting interested in early swedish death metal. The production on those bands is awesome. I like it better than American death metal.
We ran it into a 6505 one side, a JCM 800 the other. Neither with much gain (pedal does the heavy lifting) and with kids cranked.

Recorded through a Zilla 2x12 through a transformerless 57 and Fat Head. Just two guitar tracks.

Had 13 mics: Kick in and out, snare top and bottom, rack and floor tom, hi-hat, OH, stereo room ribbon blunlein and corridor ribbon
I would say the guitars could be a bit louder and also maybe bring them up on the high end to make that grind sound even more present. When I listen to bands like this I want the guitar to sound like it's actually gonna destroy my speakers. Do you have raw tracks? I would love to give a mix like this a shot.