SickBoy said:
The wild ones, who really can sing, but with great dose of passion or aggression.
Actually, I think that Madder Mortem´s vocalist Agnete M. Kirkevaag does sing with a lot of passion and aggression (one of the reasons why "Deadlands" made it to no. 2 in my personal playlist 2003), though the music is definitely a bit different from bands like (old) Chastain, Meanstreak or some other "old school" bands already mentioned. (As far as I could figure out, there aren´t any guitar solos on "Deadlands".)
Ok, here are a few more recommendations which might be in the vein of what you are looking for:
Sacrilege - "Behind The Realms Of Madness" (1986) (The first mini-album of this British band, on which vocalist Lynda "Tam" Simpson sounds a bit like Dawn Crosby´s little sister, though Dawn´s vocals are definitely more intense and powerful. The music is also a bit in the vein of "Recognize No Authority", so anyone who likes the latter might also like "Behind The Realms Of Madness", even though it´s not as good as "RNA". On the follow-up full-length album "Within The Prophecy" (1987), the music of Sacrilege became more epic, though there were still lots of thrash metal parts - just listen to the opener "Sight Of The Wise"!)
Phantom Blue - "Phantom Blue"(1989) and "Built To Perform"(1993) (vocalist Gigi Hangach definitely had a powerful voice and has to be mentioned here; the music was also powerful and aggressive, maybe a bit less raw and more melodic than Meanstreak; I think the band still exists, but the only remaining member from the releases I just mentioned is drummer Linda McDonald)
Mother Earth - "Transitions" (1994) (to my knowledge this is the only "album" - it´s just 7 songs with a total playing time of about 27 minutes - by another female band I never heard of again; a pity, since the music didn´t sound like you´d heard it a hundred times before; the vocals were not as powerful as those of Meanstreak´s Bettina France, yet definitely metal; I also liked the lyrics - as far as I understood them, unfortunately they weren´t printed down in the CD booklet)
Malteze - "Count Your Blessings" (1990) (if the music on this album doesn´t qualify as "old school", then I don´t know what else does; powerful heavy metal with the powerful female vox of Barbara Maltese; the best song on this album is definitely the title track; I don´t know what happened to this band and their vocalist, because I never heard of them afterwards; the reason why I didn´t listen very often to this album was probably that when it came out, I was much more into thrash/speed metal and complex stuff like Dream Theater, Watchtower, Sieges Even, Fates Warning)
Original Sin - "Sin Will Find You Out" (1986) (and another one of those female metal bands who released just one single album and then were never heard of again; the sound was not that impressive and the songtitles like "To The Devil A Daughter", "Bitches From Hell", "Succubus" and "Enchantress Of Death" already suggest rather clichéd lyrics, yet I really enjoyed this thrash metal album a lot and so might you as well - if you manage to get hold of a copy anywhere)
Carrie - "Secrets" (1986) (a German band; the music is a bit in the vein of early Warlock - would you confirm this, Greeno? -, some up-tempo stuff, some really nice guitar solos, maybe the voice of Annelen Middendorf sounds less powerful than Doro Pesch´s, yet there´s still a "healthy" dose of aggression; a shame that this band only released one album and was never heard of again

, because IMO this album is at least as good as Warlock´s debut! To avoid any wrong impression: this does not mean that Carrie sounded like a Warlock-clone!)
Dreams Of Sanity - "Komödia" (1997) (not an "old school" metal band, but definitely metal with two powerful female voices and a good mixture of melody and heavyness; the best songs on this album are IMO the 9-minute piece "Komödia II - The Dream" and the nearly 14-minute epic "Komödia III - The Meeting"; just in case anyone should like to classify this album as "gothic metal", listen to The Third And The Mortal´s "Tears Laid In Earth" - the best gothic metal release IMO and the only one I listen to - to notice the difference! BTW, former Dreams Of Sanity-vocalist Sandra Schleret now sings in a band called Soulslide - the music reminds me somewhat of a heavier and a bit straighter version of Dreams of Sanity - and anyone who might be interested, can download their song "The Dreamer" from their official website, just click on "Stuff" and next on "Files".)
Those who liked the aggressive vocals of Chastain´s current vocalist Kate French, yet were dissatisfied with the somewhat repetitive songs on "Sick Society" and "In Dementia" and also missed the melodic side of the first five Chastain albums, should give Vainglory a try. As Fangface recommended them to me some time ago in another thread about female-fronted metal-bands, they have got to be "old school", haven´t they?

I don´t remember the download-link to one of their songs, but in case Fangface should read this, he might be willing to help out.