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society must not be allowed to think it's okay to fuck,abort,fuck,abort,fuck,etc. order must be preserved. how about these dumb bitches not get knocked up instead
If all else fails (or extreme desperation sets in), stick it in her butt. Guarunteed, certified, 100%, proven not to get her pregnant.

Warning: May cause unwanted or random anal discharge, colon cancer, heart attacks, embarassment, and in some cases death. Please speak to your physician before trying anal sex.
actually, my health class teacher said that they can still get pregnant if you stick it in their butt :lol: something about the cum leaking out and touching her vagina

EDIT: of course, i know that things just don't work that way :lol:
Apparently Christian teens have been doing anal to avoid getting preggers because their sex ed only talks about abstinence and pussy.
So what was the more humane way of killing the baby? If you are going to kill it, how is sucking its brains out(or any other method of abortion) any more humane than zipping it in a bag and throwing it in a dumptser?
They are if you use them properly. If you can't prevent pregnancy with the plethora of birth control products available today then you're retarded. All you are doing is making excuses for people who don't take the proper precautions. Most birth control pills are 99.9% effective. Toss in the use of a condom and you've got maybe a .0000000000000000001% chance of getting pregnant. So your first statement is basically hogwash.

99.999999999% is not 100% you dumb fuck. I think this is pretty clear. Pregnancies do happen despite taking every reasonable means to prevent it. And yet this is still irrelevant.

If this becomes an abortion debate I'll close it. Mark my words.

It blatantly already is so close it.
Of course this is horrible. But I fail to see the big difference that exiting the womb makes. Other than the laws of the land, what is the difference in that fetus/baby as a being from one moment (or hour or day or week) before birth to the moment after birth? Try to allow yourself to realize the truth, and not just which side of the issue you prefer to support. It's disgusting to throw a live baby in the trash and it's disgusting to suck out a "fetus'" brains while in (or partially out) of the womb.

I understand that this issue is very complex and involves human lives (the mother, the father, their families, etc) and that there are a myriad of circumstances that lead people to this decision. But most of these decisions are a result of immoral behavior and selfishness.

Yeah, sexual immorality. Saying that will make me popular, right? But can you point out to me the benefits this society has enjoyed from the sexual revolution? People say that it is unhealthy to "suppress" sexual urges, so how has letting them all hang out benefited us? Is there less teen pregnancy? Less divorce? Less sexual obsessions and disorders? Does allowing the natural urges to dictate our behavior get us more in balance, or does it create monsters that need to be fed? What is good about men paying money to see women undress? Hey, I can totally relate to why men want to see women undress, but what good does it add to society? What is the benefit of porn? As a Christian I am not trying to condemn or convert anyone, but just to point out that we are being fed a lie, and swallowing that lie leads to no truly good thing. Not one.

As far as the selfishness of abortion, What happened to a man saying, "I'm gonna do the right thing"? People are unwilling to take responsibility for their actions. Don't tell me any of that crap about "Every Child a Wanted Child". My son was unexpected and it was tough on my wife. She never planned to have children. But our son is one of the greatest blessings in our lives. How many of you were unplanned? I was. I was an accident which brought two young people (18 and 19 I think) together in marriage. They ended up having another child called my sister. No, they didn't stay married, but what if abortion was the status quo then? What if the status quo was abortion, or abortion was your parents choice when you were conceived? Every Child a Wanted Child is complete BS. People make a way and a life for themselves. A certain percentage, planned and unplanned, make really poor choices. This is not going to change. I doubt that this percentage would be much different if all of the aborted fetuses were allowed to be born.
99.999999999% is not 100% you dumb fuck. I think this is pretty clear. Pregnancies do happen despite taking every reasonable means to prevent it. And yet this is still irrelevant.

Sure, it's not 100%, but anyone with a good grasp of mathematics will tell you that it's virtually impossible sugar pie.

I'd be curious to see how many people a year actually do get pregnant while on the pill and using a condom. Because honestly, if you manage to get pregnant through that, apparently there is a god and he wanted your ass to get knocked up. But really, there's no way to really know whether they were just extremely unlucky, or if they are just straight up stupid.
Sure, it's not 100%, but anyone with a good grasp of mathematics will tell you that it's virtually impossible sugar pie.

I'd be curious to see how many people a year actually do get pregnant while on the pill and using a condom. Because honestly, if you manage to get pregnant through that, apparently there is a god and he wanted your ass to get knocked up. But really, there's no way to really know whether they were just extremely unlucky, or if they are just straight up stupid.

It's obviously not "virtually impossible" given that it happens. There's also the fact that you can use everything in completely the right way and they turn out not to perform as they were supposed to, being defective in one way or another, the fault not being with the people having sex but with the birth control mechanisms.
I just can't bear for this to stay open and have this argument again or see it in any form. Everyone knows how everyone feels. No one's going to change anything anyone else thinks, and, even if they were, it's just uninteresting and a retread. Sorry.
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